Act in favour of Johne Campbell, fear of Calder

Oure soverane lord and estates of this present parliament, considering the many good and thankfull services done be Johne Campbell, fear of Calder, and Sir Johne Campbell, his father, and uthers his predicessors to the king's majestie and his most royall predicessors, and for incouraging of the said Johne Campbell and his successors to continew in thair loyaltie to the king's majestie and his successors, thairfor to have ratifiet and approvine and, be thir presents, ratifies and approves the chartor and infeftment wnder his majesties great seale, of the dait at Edinburgh, the saxt day of Februar, jM vjC tuentie thrie yeirs, maid and grantit to the said Johne Campbell, fear of Calder, be his majesties umquhile father of all and haill the lands and baronie of Calder and uthers thairinmentionat, with all priveledges, offices and jurisdictioun thairin mentionat, with the precept and instrument of sasing following thairupon, of the dait the fyfteine day of Marche, jM vjC tuentie thrie yeirs; also the procuratorie of resignatioun quhairupon the samyne proceidit, quhilk is of the dait the nynt day of August, jM vjC tuentie tua yeirs, with the instrument of resignatioun following thairupon of the dait the saxt day of Februar, jM vjC tuentie thrie yeirs; togider also with all his authors and predicessors infeftments of all the forsaidis lands and baronies abonespecifiet. As also the chartor and infeftment of the baronie of Ila, grantit to the said Johne Campbell upon the resignatioun of Sir Johne Campbell of Calder, his father, of the dait the fourt day of September, jM vjC tuenty sevine yeirs, with the haill priveledges, liberties and offices thairin contenit, togider with the precept and instrument of sasing following thairupon, of the dait the tent of November, jM vjC tuentie sevine yeirs; as also the procuratorie and instrument of resignatioun quhairupon the samyne proceidit, quhilk ar of the daittes the 29 July 1626 and first of September respective. As also the originall infeftment grantit to the said Sir Johne, his father, of all and haill the forsaidis lands and baronie of Ila and pertinents, with the haill priveledges, office, liberties and uthers thairin specifiet. Lykas also his majestie, with consent forsaid, ratifies the infeftment grantit be umquhile James, lord Torphichen, to umquhile Maistir Thomas Rollock of all and haill the temple lands of Ardseir and uthers specifiet in the said infeftment, of the dait the 26 of December 1611, with the precept and instrument of sasing following thairupon, of the dait the 26 of Januar 1612 yeirs. As also the chartor grantit be umquhile Maister Thomas Rollock to the said Johne Campbell, of the dait the 13 of August 1626, yeirs of all and haill the forsaidis temple lands, with precept and instrument of sasing conforme thairto, with his majesties umquhile father of ever blissed memorie, his confirmatione thairof, of the dait the 15 of Februar 1627 yeirs. As also his majestie, with consent forsaid, ratifies and approves the infeftment, chartor and precept, with the sasing following thairupon grantit be the said Sir Johne Campbell to the said Johne, his eldest sone and appeirand air, to be haldine of himselff, of the dait the 9 of August 1622 yeirs, of all and haill the baronie of Kilmachronage, with all priveledges, jurisdictiones and offices thairin mentionat, togider with the infeftment grantit to the said Sir Johne, his father, be his majesties umquhile father of happie memorie of the forsaid baronie of Kilmachronage and haill pertinents thairof, in the haill heads, pointes, articles thairof, priveledges, offices, jurisdictiones, quhilk is of the dait the first of Apryll 1606 yeirs, with the precept and instrument of sasing following thairupon; togider also with all procuratories of resignatioune grantit be the said Sir Johne in favours and for infefting of the said Johne Campbell, his eldest sone and appeirand air in all the forsaidis lands and baronie of Kilmachronage; togider also with all his authors and predicessors richts, infeftments and secuirities of the forsaid baronie of Kilmachronage and haill pertinents of the same, in all and sundrie heads, pointes, articles, clauses, priveledges, offices and jurisdictiones contenit in any of the haill forsaidis infeftments, richts and secuirities. And his majestie, with advyse of the saidis estates, statuites, decernes and ordaines that the said Johne Campbell, fear of Calder, his chartors, precepts and instruments of sasing and confirmatione thairof, togider with this act of ratificatioun, to be ane valeid and sufficient securitie to him, his airs and assignais thairinspecifiet of the haill lands, baronies and uthers thairin contenit, quhairby they may bruik the samyne as thair propper heritage in all tyme coming, without any questioune to be moved againes him thairanent, notwithstanding of any actes, lawes or constitutiones heirtofoir maid, quhilk may anywayes be derogatorie heirto, or of any uther impediment quhatsumever, or of any defect or infirmitie quhilk may be alledgit againes the samyne if any be; quhairwith, his majestie, with expres advyse forsaid, dispensis and ordaines this present act to serve for ane sufficient supplement of all sick defects and infirmities if any be.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.115r-v.