Act in favour of the Laird of Corschill

Oure soverane lord, remembring the good, trew and thankfull service maid and done to his majestie and his hienes most noble progenitors be Alexander Cwnighame of Corschill and his predicessors, and wnderstanding that his majesties umquhile deir guidsir, King James the Fyft of worthie memorie, be his chartor and infeftment maid and grantit be his majestie as than prince and stewart of Scotland, wnder his hienes great seale, of the dait at Striveling, the fyft day of August, jM vC fourtie ane yeirs, disponit and sett in fewferme to umquhile Andro Cwnighame, sonne to umquhile Williame, earle of Glencairne, and to Margaret Cwnighame, his spous, the langest leivar of thame tua, thair airs and assignais, all and sundrie the lands and uthers wnderwrittine, to witt: the lands of Cuttiswray, the lands of Clerkland and Hilhous, with the mylne thairof, the lands of Litle Robertland, the lands of the tua Corschills, the lands of Blaklaw, the lands of Hairschaw and the lands of Dowray and Pottertoun, with all thair pertinents, lyand in the lordschip of Stewartoun, bailliarie of Cwnighame and shirefdome of Air. Lykas oure said soverane lord, as being than prince and stewart of Scotland, be his hienes chartor and infeftment wnder his hienes great seale, of the dait the ellevinth day of December, jM vjC tuentie tua yeirs, gave, grantit, disponit and sett in fewferme to the said Alexander Cwnighame of Corschill, his airs and assignais, all and sundrie the lands and uthers abonewrittine with thair pertinents. And als oure said soverane lord, for the said Alexander Cwnighame of Corschill and his forsaidis, thair better secuiritie of the saidis lands, be ane new chartor and infeftment maid and grantit be his majestie as than prince and stewart of Scotland, wnder his hienes great seale, eftir his majesties majoritie and perfyte aige, of the dait the second day of Apryll, jM vjC tuentie four yeirs, of new gave, grantit, disponit and sett in fewferme to the said Alexander Cwnighame of Corschill, his airs and assignais, the lands and uthers abonewrittine, with thair pertinents, to be haldine of the prince and stewart of Scotland and his hienes successors in fewferme and heretage for ever, as the saidis thrie chartors (the last quhairof conteines ane clause de novo damus) at mair lenth beirs. And his majestie, being willing to sattle the said Alexander Cwnighame and his forsaidis in a full and perfyte secuiritie of the lands and uthers forsaidis conforme to his infeftments of the samyne, thairfor, his majestie, with advyse and consent of the thrie estates of this present parliament, hes ratifiet, allowit, approvine and confirmit and, be the tennor heirof, with consent forsaid, ratifies, allowes, approves and confirmes the forsaidis thrie chartors and infeftments respective abonewrittine maid and grantit to the said Alexander Cwnighame of Corschill and to the said umquhile Andro Cwnighame, his guidsir, of the lands and uthers abonementionat, with the precepts and instruments of sasing following thairupon, and with all uthers chartors, infeftments, precepts, instruments of sasing, services, retours, bands, obligationes and uthers richts, titles and secuirities quhatsumever maid and grantit to the said Alexander Cwnighame of Corschill or to any of his predicessors, of and concerning the lands and uthers abonewrittine, with thair pertinents, or any pairt thairof, of quhatsumever dait or daitts, tennor or contents the samyne be of, in all and sundrie heads, articles, clauses and circumstances of the samyne quhatsumever, willing and declaring this present general ratificatioun to be als valeid, effectuall and sufficient to the said Alexander Cwnighame of Corschill and his forsaidis for his and thair secuiritie of the lands and uthers abonementionat as if the forsaidis chartors, infeftments, precepts, instruments of sasing, services, retours and uthers wreatts speciall and generall forsaidis, and everie ane of thame, war at lenth heirine insert and ratifiet in speciall; quhairanent his majestie, for him and his successors, with consent forsaid, hes dispensit and be thir presents dispenses for ever.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.111r-v.