Act in favour of the Laird of Philorth, younger

Oure soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the estates of parliament now presentlie convenit, ratifies and approves and, for his hienes and his successors, perpetuallie confirmes the chartor and infeftment grantit be our soverane lords umquhile darrest father, James the Saxt, king of Scotland for the tyme, of everlasting memorie, under his hienes great seale, to umquhile Sir Alexander Fraser of Philorth and Fraserburgh, knicht, the airs male than lawfullie procreat or to have beine procreat of his bodie and thair assignais, quhilks failyeing, to the neirest and lawfull airs male quhatsumever of the said umquhile Sir Alexander beiring the surname and armes of Fraser, and thair assignais quhatsumever heretablie, of all and sundrie the lands, baronies, mylnes, mylnelands, multures, wodes, fischings and uthers particularlie and at lenth mentionat, insert and contenit in the said chartor, lyand within the shirefdome of Abirdeine, with the haill priveledges, liberties, immwnities, casualities, proffeitts and commodities quhatsumever perteining and belonging thairto lykwayes mentionat in the said chartor, upon the provisiones and conditiones mentionat and contenit in the said chartor; togider with the new gift and dispositione contenit in the said infeftment grantit be his hienes said umquhile darrest father to the said umquhile Sir Alexander Fraser and his forsaidis of all and sundrie the saidis lands, baronies, mylnes, wodes, fischings and uthers forsaidis mentionat in the said chartor, with the haill priveledges, liberties, immwnities, casualities and commodities belonging thairto, all erectit, unite, annexit and incorporat in ane haill and frie baronie callit the baronie of Philorthe, to be haldine of his hienes said umquhile darrest father, his airs and successors in maner mentionat in the said infeftment, as the samyne of the dait at Halyrudhous, the fourt day of Apryll, the yeir of God jM vjC and ane yeirs, with the precept of sasing direct upon the said chartor furth of the chancellarie, under his hienes said umquhile darrest fathers quarter seale, of the dait of the samyne chartor, for giving sasing to the said umquhile Sir Alexander of the lands and uthers thairin mentionat, togider with the instrument of sasing following upon the said precept, of the dait the [...] day of [...], the yeir of God jM vjC [...] yeirs, togidder also with the chartor and infeftment grantit be our said soverane lord under his hienes great seale, with consent of his hienes richt traist cowseine Johne, earle of Marre, lord Erskeine and Garioche etc., his hienes principall thesaurer, collector and comptroller within this his majesties kingdome of Scotland for the tyme, and of his hienes traist cowsigne Archibald, lord Naper of Merchiestoun, his hienes deputte in the saidis offices for the tyme, and of the remanent lords, his hienes commissioners of the said kingdome, to his hienes lovitt Alexander Fraser, oy to the said umquhile Sir Alexander Fraser of Fraserburgh, knicht, and to the airs male lawfullie procreat or to have beine procreat of his awine bodie, quhilks failyeing, to James Fraser, his uncle, and the airs male lawfullie procreat or to have beine procreat of his bodie, quhilks failyeing, to Johne Fraser, brother to the said Alexander, and his airs male quhatsumever beiring the surname and armes of the hous of Philorth, and thair assignais quhatsumever heretablie, of all and haill the lands and baronie of Philorthe, comprehending thairin the particular townes, lands, mylnes, mylnelands, wodes, fischings and uthers particularlie mentionat, insert and contenit in the said infeftment, with the castells, tours, fortalices, loches and stanks of the samyne, with the haill liberties, immwnities, priveledges, proffeitts, asiaments and commodities mentionat in the said infeftment perteining and belonging thairto, all lyand within the shirefdome of Abirdeine; quhilk infeftment proceids upon the resignatioun of the said umquhile Sir Alexander Fraser of Fraserburgh, knicht, guidsir to the said Alexander, and upon the resignatioun of umquhile Simeone, lord Fraser of Lovitt, umquhile George Ogilvie of Carnowsies, Sir George Ogilvie of Carnowsies, his sone, and Williame Forbes of Talquhoune, to be haldine of oure said soverane lord and his hienes successors in fie and heretage for ever, as in the said chartor and infeftment of the dait at Halyrudhous, the fyfteine day of Marche, the yeir of God jM vjC tuentie aucht yeirs, at mair lenth is contenit, togider with the precept of sasing direct furth of his hienes chancellarie upon the said chartor, wnder his hienes quarter seale, togider with the instrument of sasing following thairupon of the dait the [...] day of [...], the yeir of God jM vjC tuentie [...] yeirs, in all and sundrie the heads, points, clauses, articles, circumstances and conditiones contenit in baith the saidis chartors and infeftments, precepts of sasing and instruments of sasing following thairupon and efter the formes and tennors thairof in all pointes, with the speciall provisiones and conditiones contenit in the samyne infeftments and no utherwayes. Lykas our said soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the saidis estates of this present parliament, wills and grants and, for his hienes and his successors, perpetuallie decernes and ordaines that this present ratificatioun is and sall be als valide, sufficient and effectuall to the said Alexander Fraser and his forsaidis as if the saidis chartors and infeftments, with the haill priveledges and donationes thairin contenit, with the saidis precepts of sasing and instruments of sasing following thairupon, wer heirin at lenth de verbo in verbum speciallie and particularlie insert and contenit; quhairanent our said soverane lord, with advyse and consent forsaid, for his hienes and his successors, hes dispensit and, be thir presents, dispenses for ever.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.110v-111r.