The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 19 September 2024
Act in favour of Maister Walter Quhytfurd
Oure soverane lord, being gratiouslie pleased to tak consideratioune of the great paines and chairges that Doctor Walter Quhytfurd, ane of his majesties chaplanes, hes beine at about the evictioun of the patronage of the subdeanrie of Glasgow, and redeiming of the takes of the teinds of the samyn, thairfor, and that the heretors within the said subdeanrie may be secuirit of thair teinds without prejudice to the kirk, oure said soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the estates of this present parliament, hes givin and grantit and, be thir presents, gives and grants power, licence and libertie to the said Doctor Walter Quhytfurde at any tyme during his lyftyme, with consent of the deane and chaptour of Glasgow, to sett takes and assedationes of all and sundrie the teinds, fruits, rents, emoluments and dewties of the said benefice and subdeanrie of Glasgow to the heretors of the lands within the said subdeanrie, thair airs, successors, assignais and subtenents for the space of thrie nynteine yeirs nixt eftir thair entrie thairto, for yeirlie payment of the auld rentall bolles usit and wont to be payit for the saidis teinds of befor, and without diminutioune thairof; to the quhilks takes and assedationes sua to be sett be the said Doctor Walter Quhytefuird at any tyme during his lyftyme for the space and yeirlie dewtie forsaid, our said soverane lord hes givin and, be thir presents, gives his royall consent. As also our said soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the saidis estates of parliament, wills, grants, declairs and ordaines that the saidis takes and assedatiounes sua to be sett be the said Doctor Walter Quhytefuird sall be guid, valeid and sufficient richts of the saidis teinds and fruits of the said benefice to the heretors of the lands to quhome they sall be sett and thair forsaidis for bruiking thairof during the space forsaid, notwithstanding of quhatsumever act of parliament, uther actes, lawes or constitutiones of this realme maid heirtofoir in the contrair or quhilks may be prejudiciall to the saidis takes, and this alwayes but prejudice of any takes sett of befor of the teinds and rents of the said benefice or any pairt thairof to any persone or persones, and ordaines ane act to be exped thairupon in this present parliament.
- NAS, PA2/21, f.110r.