Act in favour of Sir Thomas Thomsone of Dudingstoun, knicht

Oure soverane lord, with advyse of the thrie estates of parliament, ratifies and approves the chartor maid and grantit be his majestie under his hienes great seale to his lovitt Sir Thomas Thomesone of Dudingstoun, knicht, his airs and assignais quhatsumever heretablie, of all and sundrie the lands and townes of Eister and Wester Dudingstounes, with myles, mylnelands, multurs, sequells, coils, coilheuches, wrak, waith, wair, pairts, pendicles, tennents, tennandries, service of frie tennents thairof and all thair pertinents quhatsumever, all unitit and erectit in ane frie tennandrie callit the tennandrie of Dudingstoun, lyand within the shirefdome of Edinburgh; and als of all and sundrie the teindscheaves of all and haill the lands of Eister and Wester Dudingstounes, with thair pairts, pendicles, mylnelands and pertinents, except the teindscheaves of the kirklands or viccars lands of Dudingstoun occupyit be the relict of umquhile Johne Ker, burges of Edinburgh and hir tennents, lyand in the parochine of Dudingstoune and within the shirefdome forsaid, the saidis lands, mylnes and pertinents thairof erectit as said is proceiding upon the resignatione of the said Sir Thomas Thomsone and the saidis teindscheaves proceiding upon the resignatione of his hienes richt traist cowsigne and counsallour, Robert, earle of Roxburgh, lord Ker of Cesfurd and Cavertoun etc., to be haldine of our said soverane lord and his hienes successors, of the dait the tuentie thrie day of Februare lastbypast, jM vjC threttie thrie yeirs instant, togider with the precept and instrument of sasing following thairupon in all and sundrie heads, clauses, articles and conditiones thairof efter the formes and tennors of the samyne. And his majestie, with consent forsaid, wills and grants and, for his hienes and his successors, decernes and declairs that the said chartor, precept and instrument of sasing ar good and valeid richtes to the said Sir Thomas Thomsone and his forsaidis for bruiking and joysing of the lands, mylne, teinds and uthers abonespecifiet in all tyme coming.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.108v-109r.