Act in favour of Doctor Beatone and his spouse

Oure soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the thrie estates of this present parliament, ratifies and approves the letters of gift and pensioun maid and grantit be his majestie under the previe seale, of the dait at Quhytehall, the tuentie nynt day of December, jM vjC tuentie sevine yeirs, quhairby his majestie gave and disponit to Sir James Scott, now of Rossie, knicht, in yeirlie pensioun during his lyftyme all and haill the fewfermes, few maills, caynes, customes and dewties of the lands of Kingisbarnes, with the pertinents, lyand within the stewartrie of Fyf and shirefdome thairof, extending yeirlie to tuentie chalders victuall, quheit and beir, fourtie aucht punds money and ane hundreth capones or thairby; and lykwayes the letters of ratificatioun and gift of pensioun grantit be his majestie under the said privie seale, of the dait at Halyrudhous, the penult day of July, jM vjC threttie ane yeirs, quhairby his majestie ratifiet the assignatioun maid be the said Sir James Scott to David Beatone, phisitiane to his majestie, and efter fallyne, his spous, to the saidis first letters of gift and pensioun, of the dait the fourt day of Maii, jM vjC threttie ane yeirs, and of new grantit, assignit and disponit to the said David Beatone and his said spous in yeirlie pensioun the saidis fewfermes, fewmaills, caynes, customes and dewties of the saidis lands of Kingisbarnes, with the pertinents, extending yeirlie to four chalders quheitt, ellevine chalders beir, fourtie aucht punds money and ane hundreth capones to be uplifted be thame of the cropt and yeir of God jM vjC threttie ane yeirs, and sua furth to continew during the lyftyme of the said Sir James Scott, conforme to his said gift and assignatione thairto abonementionat, and lykwayes during all the dayes of the lyftymes of the said David Beatoun and his said spous, the langest leivar of thame tua, and all decreits following thairupon, alsweill befor the lords of counsall and sessioun as the lords of exchekker, in all points, articles and clauses thairin contenit, efter the formes and tennors thairof; and declairs, statuits and ordaines this present ratificatioun of the saidis tua letters of gift of pensione respective and decreits following thairupon to be als sufficient and valeid in all respects as if the samen wer at lenth and word be word insert heirintill, dispensand heirby with the not inserting thairof; and lykwayes statuits and ordaines the saidis letters of gift and pensioune and assignatioun abonespecifiet and decreits following thairupon, and this ratificatioun of the samyn, to be sufficient richts and secuirities quhairby the said David Beatoun and his said spous, the langest leivar of thame tua, thair airs, executors and assignais may peaciblie bruik and joyse the pensioun abonementionat during all the dayes of the lyftymes of the said Sir James Scott and of the said David Beatoun and his said spous, and of the langest leivar of thame thrie.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.105v.