Act in favour of the Laird of Glenurquhy

Oure soverane lord, with advyse of the thrie estates of parliament, hes ratifiet and approvin and, be thir presents, ratifies and approves the particular chartors and infeftments respective wnderwrittine maid and grantit be his majestie and his hienes umquhile darrest father of eternal memorie to his hienes lovitt Sir Coleine Campbell of Glenurquhay, knicht, and umquhile Sir Duncane Campbell of Glenurquhay, knicht, his father, of the lands and uthers eftirspecifiet, viz: the chartor of confirmatioun conteining ane new gift grantit be his majesties said umquhile darrest father of eternall memorie to the said Sir Coleine Campbell of Glenurquhay, knicht, thairin designit Coleine Campbell, eldest sone and appearand air to the said umquhile Sir Duncane, and the airs male lawfullie to be gottin of his bodie, quhilks failyeing to his narrest and lawfull airs male beiring the armes and surname of Campbell and thair assignais quhatsumever, of all and haill the lands of Auchlyne, extending to ten merk land of auld extent, with mylne, mylnelands, multurs and sequells thairof, pairts, pendicles and pertinents quhatsumever, lyand in the lordschip of Glendoquhart and within the shirefdome of Perth, and als of all and sundrie the lands, ile, fischings, mylnes, office of bailliarie and uthers wnderwrittine, viz: the thrie merk land of kirktoun of Killin, the tuentie schilling land of Baduacairne, the tuentie schilling land of Craignavene, the sax merk land of Kinyaldie, with the ile callit Ilanran, the tua merk land of Ardnagald Eister, the tua merk land of Auchacharne, ane merk land of Ardnagald Wester, the tuentie schilling land of Foy, the thrie merk land of Inschewin, ane merk land of auld extent of Clauchan of Killin lyand at the port of Ilanran, and als of all and haill the lands of Ardtollonycht, with the mylne thairof and fisching, alsweill of salmond as uther fishes, in the water callit Lochtay and lands of Balnacraig, with all and sundrie wodes, mylnes, multures and sequells thairof, tours, fortalices, fischings, alsweill of salmond as uther fisches, maner places, toftes, croftes, tennents, tennandries, service of frie tennents, annexis, connexis, pairts, pendicles and pertinents of all and sundrie the saidis lands and uthers abonespecifiet, lyand in the lordschip of Glendoquhart and Discheor and Toyer within the said shirefdome of Perth, togider with the office of bailliarie of all and sundrie the saidis lands, ile, fischings, mylnes and uthers forsaidis, and als of all and sundrie uthers lands, mylnes, fischings and uthers quhatsumever at any tyme perteining and belonging to the pryor and convent of Charterhous, sumtyme foundit and situat neir the said burgh of Perth, lyand in the saidis lordschipes, with all fies, dewties and priveledges perteining and belonging to the said office of bailliarie of the dait the second day of August, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir ellevine yeirs. Ane uther chartor grantit be our said umquhile soverane lord to the said Sir Coleine Campbell, thairin designit Coleine Campbell, appeirand of Glenvrquhay, his airs and assignais, of all and haill the fyve pund land of auld extent of Murthlie, with maner places, yairds, orcheards, doucatts, houses, biggings, toftes, croftes, mylnes, multurs, wodes, fischings, tennents, tennandries and service of frie tennents, annexis, connexis, pairts, pendicles and pertinents thairof, lyand in the lordschip of Cowper and within the said shirefdome of Perth, and als of all and haill the fyve pund land of auld extent of Dumsallandies, with maner place, yairds, orchairds, doucatts, houses, biggings, toftes, croftes, mylnes, multures, wodes, the fisching callit the ferrie boit in the water of Tymbell, Portincraig, tennents, tennandries, service of frie tennents, annexis, connexis, pairts, pendicles and pertinents thairof quhatsumever lyand in the lordschip and shirefdome forsaidis, and siclyk of all and haill the kirk of Inschechaddan, with advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of the personage and viccarage thairof, teinds, fruites, rents and emoluments perteining and belanging thairto lyand in the diocie of Dunkeld and within the said shirefdome of Perth, of the dait the tent day of December the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir fyfteine yeirs. Ane uther chartor of confirmatioun grantit be our said umquhile soverane lord to the said Sir Coleine Campbell and his neirest and lawfull airs male beiring the armes and surname of Campbell, of all and haill the ten merk land of the port of Lochtay, with the ile thairof and fisching of the loche of Lochtay, the aucht merk land of the eist end or taill of Eddergoill lyand neir the lands of Balloch, and als of four merk sax schilling aucht pennie land of Callelaquhane, with all and sundrie thair pertinents lyand in the lordschip of Discheour and Toyer and within the said shirefdome of Perth, and lykwayes of all and sundrie the lands wnderwrittine, viz: the lands of Dalgardie, the lands of Tullich, the lands of Terie, the lands of Correcharnuk without pasture or intromissioun with Mamlorne, als Bamacane, the lands of Moytronich, the lands of Teirathour, the lands of Kilterie, the lands of Clocherane, the lands of Ardtollony, the lands of Eddergoill with the mylne thairof, the lands of Anlekheth, the lands of Rawmony, the lands of Skeag, the lands commounlie callit Duncane Reochistoun, the lands of Croftnacabir and lands of Pitmakie, with all and sundrie thair pertinents lyand within the saidis lordschip of Discheour and Toyer and shirefdome of Perth. And als of all and haill the lands of Drummoquheill and Drumquhasseill and castell of Castellhill, with mylnes, multures, houses, biggings, fischings, wodes, orcheards, outsetts, pairts, pendicles and pertinents thairof quhatsumever lyand in the said shirefdome of Perth. And siclyk of all and haill the lands of Fintolich and tua pairt of all and haill the lands of Dalmarkglen, with all thair maner places, houses, biggings, outsetts, toftes, croftes, annexis, connexis, pairts, pendicles and pertinents quhatsumever lyand within the lordschip of Stratherne, stewartrie thairof and the said shirefdome of Perth. And lykwayes of all and haill the kirklands or gleib callit the Ibert of the paroche kirk of Monyie, with all biggings, toftes, croftes and pertinents thairof quhatsumever, lyand in the parochine of Monyie, diocie of Dumblane and within the said shirefdome of Perth. And in lyk maner, of all and sundrie the lands and baronie of Finlarge, with tours, fortalices, wodes, mylnes, fischings, annexis, connexis, tennents, tennandries, service of frie tennents, pairts, pendicles and pertinents united and annexit of befor, in ane frie baronie lyand in the bailliarie of Discheour and Toyer and within the said shirefdome of Perth. And als of all and haill the lands of Couldars and Tennaffis, with all thair pertinents, outsetts, cottages, toftes, croftes, wodes, fischings, mylnes, forrests and pendicles thairof, lyand in the baronie of Glenfalloch within the said shirefdome of Perth, of all and sundrie the lands of Ewer and Loragane, with the office of bailliarie of all and sundrie the lands of Discheour and Toyer, Glenlyoun and baronie of Glendoquhart, with thair pertinents, lyand within the said shirefdome of Perth; of all and sundrie the lands of Bowane, Ardchalyie, Eister Downich, with thair pertinents, lyand in the lordschip of Glendoquhart and shirefdome forsaid; of all and haill the fourtie schilling land of Wester Sanct Wicks with wodes, fischings, houses, biggings, outsetts, scheillings, annexis, connexis, pairts, pendicles and thair pertinents lyand in the earledome of Atholl within the said shirefdome of Perth; of all and haill the fourt pairt of all and sundrie the lands of Monyie, with mylnes, multures, wodes, fischings, outsetts, maner place, orchairds, yairds, tennents, tennandries, service of frie tennents, annexis, connexis, pairts, pendicles and pertinents lyand in the stewartrie of Stratherne within the said shirefdome of Perth; of all and sundrie the lands of Emyrcreachane and Costinterrie, now callit Eister and Wester Creachanes, with all thair wodes, fischings, pastures, pairts, pendicles and pertinents lyand in the stewartrie of Monteith and within the said shirefdome of Perth. And als of all and sundrie the lands of Strounielaquhane, with maner place, mylnes, fischings and thair pertinents and lands of Edindonich with the mylne thairof, the lands of Larachfulyie, the lands of Craig, the lands of Candroquhat, the lands of Castell, the lands of Tulloch, the lands of Dulletter, the lands of Myane, with wodes, fischings, mylnes, maner places, tennents, tennandries, service of frie tennents of all and sundrie the samyne lands, with the pertinents, lyand in the earledome of Ergyle and shirefdome thairof, of the dait the tuentie fourt day of Marche, the yeir of God jM vjC and tua yeirs. Ane uther chartor of confirmatione conteining ane new gift grantit be his hienes said umquhile darrest father of eternall memorie to the said umquhile Sir Duncane Campbell in lyfrent and to the said Sir Coleine Campbell, his sone, and his airs male beiring the armes and surname of Campbell and thair assignais quhatsumever, of all and haill the lands of Morinche, Edrmuke, the lands of thannage of Cranyk, callit Cramyk, Auchmar and Kandknop, with the office of toscheocdoraschip, and Artholony, with all and sundrie maner places, houses, biggings, outsetts, orcheards, yeards, outsetts, mylnes, multors and sequells thairof, wodes, loches, annexis, connexis, pairts, pendicles and pertinents thairof quhatsumever, lyand in the baronie of Weme and within the said shirefdome of Perth, of the dait the tuentie tua day of Februar, the yeir of God jM vjC and four yeirs. Ane uther chartor grantit be his hienes said umquhile darrest father of eternall memorie to the said Sir Coleine Campbell of Glenurquhy, knicht, his airs male and assignais quhatsumever, of all and haill the aucht merk land of Edinkip, als Eddnix, with houses, biggings, toftes, croftes, outsetts, scheillings, gressings, pasturages, medowes, commonties, priveledges, pairts, pendicles, annexis, connexis, dependents and all thair pertinents quhatsumever, lyand in the lordschip of Balquhidder and within the said shirefdome of Perth. And als of all and haill the aucht merk land of Kingart, with all and sundrie houses, biggings, yeards, toftes, croftes, outsetts, parks, medowes, mylnes, fischings, wodes, pasturages, commonties, priviledges, pairts, pendicles and pertinents thairof quhatsumever, lyand in the stewartrie of Stratherne and within the said shirefdome of Perth, of the dait the thretteine day of September, the yeir of God jM vjC tuentie yeirs. Ane uther chartor grantit be his hienes umquhile darrest father of eternall memorie to the said umquhile Sir Duncane Campbell in lyfrent and to the said Sir Coleine Campbell, his sone, his airs male and assignais quhatsumever in fie of all and haill the lands callit the Large, with the ile callit Ylemillocho and fisching of Lochcathrone, the lands of Branquhalyie, Eddrelechabeth, Strongarwald and Ardmokmonan, with the mylne of the saidis lands of Strongarwald, mylne lands, multurs and pertinents thairof, with all and sundrie houses, biggings, yeards, tofts, croftes, outsetts, parks, medowes, pasturages, wodes, fischings, pastures, commonties, priveledges, pairts, pendicles and pertinents quhatsumever, of all and sundrie the saidis lands, mylnes, fischings and uthers abonespecifiet, lyand in the lordschip of Stragartnay and within the said shirefdome of Perth. And als of all and haill the lands of Letter, with houses, biggings, yeards, scheillings, toftes, croftes, outsetts, priveledges, pasturages, commonties, pairts, pendicles, annexis, connexis, dependences, tennents, tennandries, service of frie tennents and all thair pertinents, lyand in the baronie of Kippenros, stewartrie of Monteith and within the said shirefdome of Perth, of the dait the sevinteine day of December, the yeir of God jM vjC auchteine yeirs. Ane uther chartor grantit be his majesties said umquhile darrest father of eternall memorie to the said Sir Coleine Campbell, his airs male and assignais quhatsumever, of all and haill the lands of Nether Tullybanchar, with houses, biggings, yeards, tofts, crofts, outsetts, wodes, fischings, mures, moses, pasturages, gressings, annexis, connexis, pairts, pendicles and all thair pertinents quhatsumever, lyand within the stewartrie of Stratherne and within the said shirefdome of Perth. And als of all and haill the lands of Over Tulliebanchar, with houses, biggings, yeards, toftes, croftes, wodes, scheillings, mures, moses, medowes, monthes, pasturages, gressings, annexis, connexis, pairts, pendicles and all thair pertinents quhatsumever, lyand within the stewartrie and shirefdome forsaidis, of the dait the tuentie fyft day of November, the yeir of God jM vjC tuentie thrie yeirs. Ane uther of the saidis chartors grantit be our said soverane lord to the said Sir Coleine Campbell of Glenurquhy, knicht, his airs male and assignais quhatsumever, of all and haill the lands and baronie of Glenlochay and uthers eftirspecifiet, viz: all and haill the lands of Mourlyinch, all and haill the lands of Corriecharnuk, all and haill the lands of Dalgardie, all and haill the lands of Tullich, all and haill the lands of Teray, the lands of Teirarthor, the lands of Clochrane, the lands of Pitmakie, the lands of Kilterie, the lands of Eddergoill, with the mylne of Eddergoill, the lands of Ardincollanie, with the mylnes and fischings thairof, the lands of Anlekith, the lands of Ramony, the lands of Skeag, the lands callit Duncane Rochstounes, the lands of Croftnacabell, with maner places, tours, fortalices, mylnes, multurs, fischings upon the water of Dochart and uthers fischings, alsweill of salmond as uther fisches, advocatioun and donatioun of kirks and chaplanries of the saidis lands and all uthers pairts, pendicles and pertinents thairof, all lyand within the lordschip of Discheour and Toyer and within the said shirefdome of Perth of the dait the nynt day of Junii, the yeir of God jM vjC threttie tua yeirs. Ane uther of the saidis chartors maid and grantit be his hienes said umquhile darrest father of eternall memorie to the said umquhile Sir Duncane Campbell of Glenurquhy, knicht, his airs and assignais, of all and haill the tuentie schilling land of Stukhabill, the tuentie schilling land of Beneglas, the tuentie schilling land of Tullequharrie, the tuentie schilling land of Clochinbratan, the tua merk land of Cullietermen, the half merk land of Innerymeren, the half merk land of Nether Tullyter, the ane merk land of Taryark, the tua merk land of Innerhaggronie, the merk land of Litle Innerhaggronie, the thrie merk land of Innerchytill, the merk land of Portnillan, the merk land of Innerardair, the fyve pund land of Ardchythell, the half merk land of Conendach, with maner places, houses, biggings, iles, wodes, forrests, mylnes, fischings, tennents, tenandries, service of frie tennents, pairts, pendicles and pertinents of all and sundrie the forsaidis lands and uthers respective abonespecifiet, extending in the haill to ane tuentie sax merk land of auld extent, lyand within the baronie of Glenfalloch and the said shirefdome of Perth, and erected in ane frie baronie callit the baronie of Glenfalloch, of the dait the sevinteine day of Februar, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoor auchteine yeirs. And the last of the said chartors maid and grantit by his hienes said umquhile darrest father of eternall memorie to the said umquhile Sir Duncane Campell of Glenurquhy, knicht, his airs male and assignais, of all and haill the lands of Arichandnaquhan, extending to four merk land of auld extent with thair forsaidis, and of all and haill the fourtie pennie land of Carndewer, with thair pertinents, lyand within the stewartrie of Monteith and within the said shirefdome of Perth, of the dait the fyft day of Marche, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoor fyfteine yeirs, togider with the retour quhairby the said Sir Coleine Campbell is servit and retourit air to the said umquhile Sir Duncane, his father, of the saidis lands and baronie of Glenfalloch, and of the saidis lands of Arichandnaquhan and lands of Carndewer, of the dait the tuentie saxt day of August, jM vjC threttie ane yeirs, and instrument of sasing givin to the said Sir Coleine of the samyne lands and baronie, conforme to ane precept direct furth of his hienes chancellarie upon the said retour in all and sundrie heads, clauses, articles and conditiones contenit in all and sundrie the saidis chartors and infeftments respective efter the formes and tennors thairof. And farder, for the guid, trew and thankfull service done to his majestie and his hienes predicessors be the said Sir Coleine Campbell and his predicessors, his majestie, with consent of the saidis estates of parliament, wills and grants and, for his hienes and his successors, decernes and declares that the particular chartors and infeftments respective abonespecifiet ar guid and valeid richts quhaireby the said Sir Coleine Campbell of Glenurquhy, his airs and successors may peaciblie and frilie bruik and joyse the lands, baronies and uthers respective abonewrittine in all tyme coming.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.103r-105r.