The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 23 January 2025
Act in favour of Sir Williame Anstruther
Oure soverane lord, with advyse and consent of thrie estates of this present parliament, ratifies and approves the chartor maid and grantit be his majestie eftir his hienes lawfull and perfyte aige of tuentie fyve yeirs compleit, and eftir resignatioun and dimissioun maid be Thomas, earle of Kellie etc. and umquhile Alexander, lord of Fentoun, his sone, of the lordschip and baronie of Pittinweyme, comprehending the lands and uthers unit and annexit in the said lordschip and baronie quhilks pertenit of auld to the pryorie of Pittinweyme in the hands of his majestie, thair immediat lawfull superior thairof, ad perpetuam remanentiam wnder the great seale, of the dait at Greinwiche, the saxteine day of Junii, jM vjC threttie ane yeirs, in favours of his hienes trustie servitor Sir Williame Anstruther of that Ilk, knicht, ane of his majesties maister housholds within this realme of Scotland, his airs and assignais quhatsumever heretablie, of all and haill the mylne callit the Mylne of Pittinweyme, with the mylne lands thairof and aikers adjacent thairto, extending to auchteine aikers of land or thairby, with houses, biggings, yeards, tofts, crofts, outsetts and all thair pertinents as the samyne war occupyit and possest of auld be umquhile Johne Scott and Ewphane Clephane, tennents and takismen thairof, togider with the haill astrick and frie multors, suckin and knavescheip perteining to the said mylne and cheiflie with the astrick multors, knavescheip and suckin of all and haill the lands and baronie of Pittinweyme; and siclyk of all and sundrie the aikers of land wnderwrittine, viz: sax aikers of land callit Steill and Wacheland than possest be Walter Airlie; four aikers of land possest be the airs of umquhile Williame Foullar; thrie aikers of land and ane halff possest be the airs of umquhile David Robertsone; ane aiker of land possest be the airs of umquhile David Andersone; tua aikers of land possest be the airs of umquhile Thomas Cuik; tuelff aikers of land possest be James Scott in Mylnetoun; tua aikers and ane halff possest be the airs of umquhile Simeone Gray; ane aiker of land possest be the airs of umquhile Margaret Wilsone; four aikers of land and ane halff possest be the airs of umquhile George Smith; thrie aikers and half of land possest be the airs of umquhile John Gibsone; all and haill that hous lyand within the towne of Anstruther Wester back and foir, with the yeards and pertinents of the samyne, callit Fishehous, than possest be Williame Strang; all and haill thes houses, with the yeards and pertinents thairof, lyand within the towne of Mylnetowne than possest be the said James Scott, with that peice of arable land callit Pardykis, with the pertinents, than occupyit and possest be the said James Scott, with tennants, tenandries and services of frie tennants of the lands and uthers abonewrittine, all lyand within the said lordschip and baronie of Pittinweyme and shirefdome of Fyffe; as also of the office of bailliarie of the haill lordschip and baronie of Pittinweyme, with all and sundrie priveledges, fies, proffeitts, casualities and dewties quhatsumever perteining and belonging to the said office particularlie and generallie mentionat in the said chartor, conteining ane new gift with supplement of all defects in ample forme to be haldine of his majestie and his successors in fewferme, fie and heretage for the yeirlie payment of the few dewtie mentionat in the said chartor wnder the deductione thairin specifiet, efter the formes and tennors thairof. And wills, declairs, decreits, statuits and ordaines that this present confirmatioun thairof is, and sall be, als valeid, effectuall and sufficient in all respects as if the samyne wer at lenth and word be word insert heirintill, dispensand with the not inserting thairof. As also that the chartor, precept and instrument of sasing and this present ratificatioun thairof ar, and sall be, sufficient and valeid richts and secuirities to the said Sir William and his forsaidis for bruiking and joysing of the lands and uthers abonewrittine with the pertinents in all tyme coming, conforme to the said chartor and for payment of the few dewtie thairin contenit wnder the deductioun thairin specifiet, with provisione alwayes that this present ratificatioun nor na pairt of the same sall nawayes be prejudiciall to Thomas, erle of Kellie etc., his richts and infeftments quhilks he hes grantit to him or quhairof he or his predicessors hes beine in possessioun, bot that the samyne sall remaine and have that same force and effect as of befor.
- NAS, PA2/21, f.95r-v.