The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 23 January 2025
Act in favour of Sir Robert Dowglas of Spott
Oure soverane lord and estates of this present parliament, remembering the many singular, guid and thankfull services done to his majestie and to umquhile Henrie, prince of Walles, duke of Cornwall and Yorke, his dearest brother of happie memorie, and to his majesties umquhile dearest father of eternall memorie, be his hienes traistie and weilbeloved counsallor Sir Robert Dowglas of Spott, knicht, hes ratifiet and approvine and, be the tennor heirof, ratifies, approves and confirmes the chartor and infeftment of fewferme maid, givin and grantit be his majestie wnder his hienes great seale, of the dait at Greinwiche, the tuentie nynt day of Junii, the yeir of God jM vjC threttie and ane yeirs, to the said Sir Robert Dowglas, his airs and successors specifiet and contenit in his infeftment of the lands and baronie of Spott, of all and haill they lands and that pairt and portioun of the lordschipe of Dumbar boundit, meithit and merchit as eftir followes, viz: betuix the burne callit the Boundslie Burne one the eist and thairfra passing towards the west be the arrable and cornefield lands of the lands eftirspecifiet belangand to the persones eftir mentionat, to witt: of the lands of Kirkcleuch perteining to [...] Cockburne of Ormestoun; of the lands of Eister Gamulscheills perteining to Sir Patrick Hepburne of Wauchtoun, knicht; of the lands callit Wester Gamulscheills and Mylknow perteining to [...] Home of Gamulscheills and thairfra passing toward the north to the arrable and cornefield lands of Johnnescleuch perteining to Sir Johne Home of Blaccader, knicht; and of the lands of Stanypeth perteining to Maistir Williame Dowglas, minister at Spott, and thairfra passing toward the eist be the arable and cornefield land of the lands of Dowchrie, sumtyme perteining to George Lawder of Bass; and of the lands of Spott perteining to the said Sir Robert Dowglas of Spott, knicht, quhill it come to the burne callit Boundslie Burne, quhilk devyds the said pairt and portioun of the forsaidis lands of the said lordschip of Dumbar fra the comountie callit the comountie of Innerweik, quhair the saidis merches began, lyand within the constabularie of Hadingtoun and shirefdome of Edinburgh. Quhilks lands and pairt and portioun abonewrittine of the said lordschip of Dumbar, lyand boundit, meithit and merchit in maner forsaid, pertenit to our said soverane lord and became in his hienes hands and at his majesties gift and dispositioun as ane pairt of the annexit propertie of the earledome of Marche and lordschip of Dumbar to the patrimonie of his hienes crowne, to be haldine of our said soverane lord and his successors in few ferme, fie and heretage for payment yeirlie of the soume of ten mark usuall money of Scotland at tua termes in the yeir Whitsunday and Mertimes in wintar be equall portiones in name of fewferme, quhilk nor na uther dewtie the saidis lands never payit, with speciall provisione and conditione alwayes contenit in the said chartor that the samyne chartor sall nawayes be prejudiciall to any of his majesties lieges anent any former lawfull infeftments or yitt to come grantit or competent to thame of any pairt or pairts of the forsaid pairt and portioun of the lordschip of Dumbar or any priveledge within the bounds thairof, as at mair lenth is contenit within the said chartor, togider with the precept and instrument of sasing following thairupon in all and sundrie heads, clauses, articles and circumstances thairof. And sieing the forsaidis lands and pairt and portioun of the said lordschipe of Dumbar boundit, meithit and merchit in maner forsaid ar ane pairt of his majesties propertie and patrimonie of his hienes crowne quhilk was never rentallit nor payit any dewtie befor the granting of the said chartor, thairfor, and for the said Sir Robert Dowglas and his forsaidis better richt and securitie thairof, oure said soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the estates of this present parliament, in consideratioun of the said Sir Roberts many guide and thankfull services abonewrittine, hes dissolved and, be vertew of this present act, dissolves the foirnamit lands and pairt and portioun abonewrittine of the said lordschip of Dumbar, boundit and meithit as is particularlie contenit befor, fra his majesties crowne and patrimonie thairof, and fra all actes of annexatioun of the same to the effect that the chartor and infeftment thairof abonewrittine may not onlie be valide and effectuall and ane sufficient richt, title and secuiritie to the said Sir Robert Dowglas and his forsaidis for thair peacible bruiking, joysing and posseding of the saidis lands with the pertinents as thair heretage at thair pleasure in all tyme coming, bot lykwayes to the effect the samyne lands may be of new grantit and givin in fewferme heretablie be our said soverane lord to the said Sir Robert Dowglas and his forsaidis for payment of the dewtie forsaid in maner specifiet and contenit in the said few chartor, with the provisione and conditione abonewrittine contenit thairintill in dew and competent forme, and ordaines thir presents to be ane sufficient warrand to the clerk of register and his deputtes for extending ane act of this present parliament thairupon in dew forme as effeirs.
- NAS, PA2/21, f.94r-v.