Act in favour of the burgh of Dumbartane

Oure soverane lord, with advyse and consent of his majesties thrie estates of parliament, ordaines ane act of parliament to be maid ratifiand, approveand and, for his hienes and his successors, perpetuallie confirmand, lykas his majestie, be the tennor heirof, with advyse and consent of his hienes thrie estates of parliament, ratifies, approves and, for his hienes and his successors, perpetuallie confirmes the chartor and infeftment maid and grantit at Greinwiche, the tent day of Junii, the yeir of God jM vjC and auchteine yeirs, be his majesties umquhile darrest father, King James the Saxt, of worthie and eternall memorie, under the great seale, with advyse and consent of his hienes thesaurar principall of Scotland and thesaurer deputt for the tyme thairin nominat, and of the remanent lords commissioners then appointit be his majestie for giving infeftments within the kingdome of Scotland, to, and in favours of, the proveist, baillies, counsall, and commwnitie of the said burgh of Dumbartane and thair successors, be the quhilk his majesties said umquhile darrest father, with consent forsaid, gave, grantit and disponit to, and in favours of, the proveist, baillies, counsall and commwnitie of the said burgh and thair successors for ever heretablie the advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of the paroche kirk and parochine of Dumbartane, with all teinds, great and small, alsweill personage as viccarage thairof, and with all fruites, rents, emoluments and dewties perteining and belonging to the said kirk, togider with certane chaplanries, alterages, anneversaries and uthers nominat and contenit in the said chartor and infeftment, with all and sundrie lands, tenements, annuelrents, proffeits, emoluments and dewties perteining and belonging to the saidis alterages, chaplanries and uthers forsaidis, togider also with the tolbuith, customehous or weyhous of the said burgh of Dumbartane and all and sundrie litle customes, tolles, casualities and uthers dewties perteining and belonging to the said burgh, and als certane tenements of land mentionat in the said infeftment, with divers and sundrie uther priveledges, liberties, immwnities, casualities and uthers particularlie sett downe in the said infeftment, togider with the precept of sasing thairof wnder the quarter seale and instrument of seasing following thairupon, in all and sundrie heads, pointes, articles, clauses, priveledges, immwnities, circumstances and conditiones specifiet and contenit thairin. And his majestie, with advyse and consent forsaid of his hienes thrie estates of parliament, wills and grants and, for his hienes and his successors, decernes and ordaines this present confirmatione to be of als great availl, force, strenth and effect to the saidis proveist, baillies, counsall and commwnitie of the said burgh of Dumbartane and thair successors as if the forsaid chartor, infeftment, precept and instrument of sasing wer word be word ingrossit, exprest and sett downe heirintill, anent the quhilks, and with all defects and inconveniences that may fallow thairupon, his majestie, with advyse and consent forsaid of his hienes thrie estates of parliament, hes dispensit and, be thir presents, dispensit for ever. And his majestie, with advyse and consent forsaid of his hienes thrie estates of parliament, statuits and ordaines that the forsaid chartor and infeftment is and sall be ane guid, valeid, effectuall and sufficient secuiritie to the said burgh of Dumbartane, magistrats, burgeses and inhabitants thairof and thair successors for bruiking, joysing, using and possessing in all tyme coming of the said patronage, and of all and sundrie lands, gifts, liberties, priveledges and uthers mentionat in the said infeftment eftir the forme and tennor thairof in all pointes. And his majestie, with advyse and consent forsaid of his hienes thrie estates of parliament, ordaines thir presents to be ane sufficient warrand to the clerk of register for extending ane act of parliament heirupon in dew forme, and for inserting the samyne with the rest of the actes of parliament to be maid and sett downe in this parliament haldine withine the said kingdome of Scotland.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.92r-v.