The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 23 January 2025
Act in favour of the burgh of Invernes
Oure soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the thrie estates of this present parliament, be the tennor heirof, ratifies and approves the chartor maid and grantit be his majesties umquhile darrest father of worthie memorie, wnder his hienes great seale, of the dait at Halyrudhous, the first day of Januar, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir ellevine yeirs, conteining ane ratificatioun of all and sundrie chartors, infeftments and confirmationes, richts, titles, secuirities, letters, wreatts and evidents, donationes, concessiones, liberties, immwnities and priveledges thairin contenit, maid, givin and grantit be his majesties said umquhile darrest father and his hienes most noble progenitors, kings and queines of Scotland, to the burgh of Invernes, proveists, aldermen, baillies, counsall and commwnitie thairof and thair successors particularlie and generallie mentionat in the said chartor, and be the quhilk chartor his majesties said umquhile darrest father of new sett in fewferme to the saidis proveist, baillies, counsall, burgeses, and comwnitie of the said burgh of Invernes and thair successors for ever, all and haill the forsaid burgh of Invernes, lands, territories and comounties thairof; and all and sundrie the lands, tenements, houses, biggings, kirks, chappells, chaplanries, orcheards, yeards, aikers, toftes, crofts, mylnes, millands, fischings alsweill of salmond as uther fishes, alsweill in the salt as in the fresche watters, annuelrents, fruites, rents, places, mansiounes, maners, wodes, dewties, proffeits, emoluments, kirkyeards, fermes, almes, obites, anevarsaries, commounties, liberties, immwnities and uthers quhatsumever, alsweill ecclesiastick as secular, alsweill contenit and mentionat in the saidis former chartors, infeftments, confirmationes, richts, titles, secuirities, letters, wreatts, evidents, donationes and concessiones respective as lyand in the said burgh of Invernes, or in the territories, parochine, commountie and libertie thairof, with all and sundrie thair tennents, tennandries, service of frie tennents, fruites, commodities, annexis, connexis, pairts, pendicles, priveledges and pertinents quhatsumever; as also all and sundrie the lands of Draikes and forrests thairof, the lands of Merkinsche with the comoun pasturage perteining thairto, callit of auld Burghauch, lyand betuix the mont and the water, with the wodpark betuix the hight of the said mont and the said hauch, togider with all the lands of the said burgh of Invernes callit the Barnehills, Claypotts and Milliefield, and comoun lands callit the Kerse, the lands callit the Cairnelawes boundit and merchit in maner specifiet in the said chartor; as also all and haill the comoun mure of the said burgh and all and haill the water of Ness, and haill pairts one both the sydes thairof, betuix the stane callit Clauchnahaggage and the sea, with all fischings, alsweill of salmond as quhyt fishes, ports, harberies and cruikes, priveledges, proffeits and commodities of the said water and of, in and upon the samyne water one baith the sydes thairof fra the said stane to the sea quhairin the said water rines at the fisching callit the Stell, and with the fisching of the puile callit the Reidpule one the west pairt of the ferrie of Kessock, and with all and sundrie fischings, alsweill of salmond as quhyt fisches, and all the ports, harberies, heavines and cruikes, priveledges and comodities of the mouth of the said water of Ness, and of, in and upon the said mouth one baith the pairts and sydes thairof, with certane priveledges and liberties mentionat in the said chartor; and all and haill the ferrie of Kessok and landing places thairof, one baith the pairts and sydes of the said ferrie and of the said water of Ness and priveledges thairof mentionat in the said chartor; and lykwayes all and sundrie the mylnes of the said burgh callit the Kingis Mylnes, millands, sequells and sucken thairof, with the astrict and dry multors of the castellands and uthers lands quhilks pertenit of auld to the saidis mylnes, being of auld upon the said water of Ness, one the south pairt of the castell callit Canakhilmilne mentionat in the said chartor, and the thirlage thairin contenit. And quhairby lykwayes his majestie gave and grantit to the saidis proveist, baillies, counsall, comwnitie and burgeses of the said burgh of Invernes and thair successors that they sall be within thameselffes crowners and sall have within the said burgh the libertie and jurisdictioun in all justice airs and justice courts and uthers courts quhatsumever of crowners to be electit of thair conburgeses, inhabitants of the samyn burgh, be the proveist, baillies and counsall thairof and thair successors at thair pleasure yeirlie and for sa lang tyme as they sall think expedient; and lykwayes that they sall have within thameselfes ane shireff of thair conburgeses, inhabitants of the samyne burgh, to be electit and chosine be the proveist, baillies and counsall thairof and thair successors at thair pleasure yeirlie and for sa lang tyme as they sall think expedient, quhilks crowners and shireffs and thair successors, quha for the tyme sall be crowners and shireffs of the said burgh of Invernes, be the said chartor, his majesties said umquhile darrest father gave full power to have his hienes and his successors full libertie, power and authoritie to administrat, reule, exerceis and governe offices of crownarie and shirefschip within the said burgh of Invernes and libertie thairof, and within the lands, places, waters and uthers belanging to the said burgh be any maner of way; quhilk chartor conteines lykwayes divers and sundrie uther heads, donationes, concessiones, giftes, priveledges and immwnities at lenth thairinspecifiet in all and sundrie heads, pointes, articles, clauses and conditiones thairof quhatsumever, eftir the forme and tennor of the samyn, and declairs, statuits and ordaines this present confirmatioun of the chartor abonewrittine is and sall be als valide, effectuall and sufficient in all respects as if the samyn chartor had beine at lenth and word be word insert heirintill, dispensand heirby with the not inserting thairof. Lykas his majestie, with advyse and consent forsaid, finds, declairs, statuites and ordaines that the forsaid chartor grantit be his majesties said umquhile darrest father with this present ratificatioun thairof ar and sall be sufficient, lawfull and valeid richts and secuirities to the saidis proveist, baillies, counsall, burgeses, communitie and inhabitants of the said burgh and thair successors for bruiking and joysing perpetuallie in all tyme coming of the haill lands, tenements, fischings, ports, harberies and uthers priveledges and pertinents particularlie and generallie mentionat and exprest in the said chartor, quhilks ar and sall be haldin as particularlie repeittit and insert heirintill, dispensand heirby with the not repeitting and inserting thairof in this present ratificatioun. It is alwayes provydit that this present ratificatioun sall nawayes be prejudiciall to Alexander Baillie of Dunneane, his airs and assignais anent thair infeftments and richts of the moses and muires perteining to his pairt of the castelands of Invernes, and namlie his pairt of the moses and muire of Cappulleach quhilk ar declarit be this present act to be reserved to the said Alexander Baillie and his forsaidis in thair awin full strenth, force and integritie as they wer bruikit and possest be him, his authors and predicessors of befor. And ordaining thir presents to be ane sufficient warrand to the clerk of register and his deputtes for extending of ane act heirupon in dew forme, with provisione lykwayes that the same ratificatioun sall nawayes be prejudiciall to [...], earle of Murray, nor to [...], lord Gordoun, thair richts and infeftments grantit to thame and thair predicessors, bot that the samyne sall remaine to thame wnhurt or prejudgit be this present ratificatioun past in favours of the said burgh of Invernes.
- NAS, PA2/21, f.88v-90r.