The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 23 January 2025
Act in favour of the burgh of Air
Oure soverane lord and estates of this present parliament, having consideratione of the trew and thankfull service done to his majestie and his most noble progenitors of most blissed memorie be the burgh and towne of Air, ordaines ane act to be maid ratifiand and approveand and, for his hienes and his successors, perpetuallie confirmand that chartor and infeftment of the dait at Quhytehall, the fyfteine day of Marche, jM vjC tuentie ane yeirs, givin and grantit be his majesties umquhile darrest father, King James the Saxt, of blissed memorie, in favours of the proveist, baillies, counsallors and comwnitie of the burgh of Air and thair successors, confirmand to thame thair first originall chartor grantit to thame be his hienes most noble predicessors umquhile Williame, king of Scottes, of most blissed memorie, of the towne and burgh of Air, haill priveledges and immwnities thairin contenit, as lykwayes that chartor and infeftment grantit to thame be umquhile Robert, king of Scottes, quhairby he hes disponit to the burgeses and inhabitants of the said burgh of Air and thair successors the same burgh of Air, with all and sundrie lands perteining thairto, and with the port or harberie thairof and fischings of the samyne, customes, mylnes, multors, frie fairs, mercatt dayes and uthers thairin contenit, of the dait the tuelt day of September, jM and four hundreth yeirs, togider with all and sundrie uthers infeftments, chartors, donationes and dispositiones quhatsumever maid and grantit be his majesties said umquhile darrest father, or any of his most noble progenitors, to the said burgh of Air of all and quhatsumever lands, baronies, mylnes, multors, frie port customes, fischings, offices, frie fairs, mercatt dayes, liberties and priveledges quhatsumever contenit thairintill, bearand lykwayes ane dispensatione tuitching the generalitie and decerning the samyne to be als valide as if everie particular chartor and wreatt had beine at lenth verbatim insert thairintill; and conteining lykwayes thairintill ane new gift be his majesties said umquhile father in favours of the said towne of Air of the same burgh, with all and sundrie lands, baronies, mylnes, multors, customes, fischings, annuelrents and uthers richts, priveledges and pertinents quhatsumever perteining thairto and specifiet in thair haill former infeftments and wreatts, and makand thame and thair successors heretable shireffs and justiciars of peace within the said burgh and haill bounds and marches thairof for ever in all tyme thaireftir, disponing to thame the haill liberties and priveledges belonging to the saidis offices, as in the said chartor wnder the great seale conteining divers uthers heads and conditiones at mair lenth is contenit, togidder with all and sundrie uthers chartors, infeftments, gifts, dispositiones and uthers quhatsumever maid and grantit be our said soverane lord or be his hienes said umquhile darrest father or any uthers his majesties most noble progenitors, kings and queines of Scotland, to and in favours of the said burgh and inhabitants thairof of the samyn or of quhatsumever lands, baronies, mylnes, multors, frie ports or harberies, customes, fischings, annuelrents, offices of shirefschip and justiciarie, uthers offices quhatsumever, frie fairs, mercatt dayes, liberties, priveledges, escheatts, amerciaments and uthers quhatsumever perteining and belonging thairto, or quhairof they or thair predicessors have beine or may be in possessioun or anywayes sett downe and contenit in thair or any of thair infeftments of the said burgh of quhatsumever daits, tennor or contents the samyne be of, in all and sundrie heads, clauses2, articles, obleisments, pointes, pases, circumstances, articles and conditiones of the samyn quhatsumever specifiet and contenit thairintill, dispensand with the generalitie abonewrittine, and admittand, decernand and declairand the samyne to be als valide and sufficient and of als great force and strenth in all respects as if everie particular chartor and infeftment or uther wreatt wer speciallie at lenth verbatim insert heirintill. Lykas our said soverane lord and estates forsaidis of this present parliament wills, grants, declairs, statuits and ordaines that the saidis proveist, baillies, counsall and commwnitie of the said burgh of Air and thair successors sall peaciblie bruik, joyse and possess the forsaid burgh, with all and sundrie lands, baronies, mylnes, multurs, frie ports or harberies, customes, tholnies and uthers particularlie and generallie abonomentionat, perteining or that any wayes may be knawin to perteine and belong thairto at thair pleasure as thair heretage als frilie in all respects as any uther burrow within this realme, eftir the forme and tennor of the infeftments particularlie and generallie abonewrittine, grantit to thame and thair predicessors thairanent perpetuallie in all tyme coming, but any stop, trouble or impediment quhatsumever to be maid or moved in the contrair be any persone or persones quhatsumever, notwithstanding of any defect and infermitie if any be contenit in the saidis infeftments and donationes or ather of thame; quhairanent our said soverane lord, for his hienes and his successors, with advyse and consent of the saidis estates of parliament, hes dispensit and dispenses, ordaining the forsaid act to be ane sufficient supplement of all faults and defects if any be contenit in the saidis infeftments and againes all actioun and questiounes quhatsumever that can be maid or moved in the contrair. And our said soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the saidis estates, decernes and ordaines this present act to be insert and registrat in the buikes of parliament, and to have the strenth, force and effect of ane law and statuite of parliament with all executione to follow thairupon in forme as effeirs, and letters of horning if neid be is to be direct upone ane simple charge of ten dayes allanerlie.
- NAS, PA2/21, f.87v-88v.
- 'clauses' repeated after 'articles'.