The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 23 January 2025
Act in favour of the burgh of Pittinweyme
Oure soverane lord and estates of this present parliament have ratifiet, approvin and confirmit and, be the tennor heirof, ratifies, approves and confirmes the chartor and infeftment of erectioun of the towne and lands of Pittinweyme, with the pertinents, lyand within the shirefdome of Fyffe, in ane frie burgh regall grantit be his majesties umquhile darrest grandsir, King James the Fyft, of happie and blissed memorie, to umquhile Johne, pryor of Pittinweyme and convent thairof, wnder the great seale, of the dait at Sanctandrois, the tuentie fourt day of Februar, jM [...] yeirs, and of his hienes raigne the tuentie aucht yeir, togider with the tua chartors and infeftments grantit be the said umquhile Johne, pryor of Pittinweyme and convent of the said pryorie, to the proveist, baillies, counsall, comwnitie, burgeses and inhabitants of the said burgh of Pittinweyme, of all and haill the said burgh of Pittinweyme as the samyne was than buildit, or to have beine buildit, and was creatt to the said pryor and convent in the said burgh regall as said is, and of the reid, port, heavine and harberie thairof, and all and sundrie mures, moses, waist ground, comoun wayes, loynes and uthers comounties, liberties, immwnities, customes, anchorages, priveledges and commodities perteining and belonging thairto at lenth exprest and sett downe in the saidis chartors, quhilks ar of the dait the tuelt day of Februar, the yeir of God jM vC fourtie sevine yeirs, with the precepts and instruments of sasing respective following thairupon, togider also with the chartor and infeftment grantit be his majesties umquhile darrest father, King James the Saxt, of happie memorie, to the baillies, counsall, burgeses and commwnitie of the said burgh of Pittinweyme and thair successors, of all and haill that great hous or ludging of the monastarrie of Pittinweyme lyand within the burgh thairof forsaid, at lenth designit in the said chartor, quhilk is of the dait the tuentie fyft day of July, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoor and thretteine yeirs, with the precept and instrument of sasing following thairupon, in all and sundrie heads, pointes, articles, clauses, circumstances and conditiones of the saidis chartors, infeftments, precepts and instruments of seasing respective; and wills, grants and declairs that this present generall ratificatioun and approbatione thairof is, and sall be, als valide, effectuall and sufficient to the saidis proveist, baillies, counsall, commwnitie, burgeses and inhabitants of the said burgh of Pittinweyme and thair successors as if the samyne chartors, infeftments, precepts and instruments of sasing respective, and everie ane thairof, wer at lenth word be word ingrost and sett downe thairintill, anent the quhilk and all faults and imperfectiones thairof, or that may be proponit or alledgit in the contrair, or of this present generall ratificatioun and approbatione of the samyn, his majestie and estates forsaidis have dispensit and, be thir presents, dispenses for ever. Attoure, forsameikle as the pryorie of Pittinweyme was erectit be his majesties said umquhile darrest father to umquhile Frederick Stewart, lord Pittinweyme, in ane temporall lordschip callit the lordschip of Pittinweyme, quhilk thaireftir was disponit be the said umquhile Frederick to Thomas, earle of Kellie, quha was infeft thairin, haldin of oure said soverane lord, quhilk Thomas, earle of Kellie sensyne, according to the generall submissione anent the superiorities of erectione, with consent of umquhile Alexander, lord Fentoun, his sone, at the least they both resignit and surranderit the superioritie of the said erectit lordschip of Pittinweyme in the hands of oure said soverane lord, ad perpetuam remanentiam, sua that his hienes is now become in place of the old pryors and of the lait lords of erectione of Pittinweyme, and thairby hes guid and wndoubted richt to the superioritie thairof. And now his majestie and estates forsaidis, considering that the said burgh of Pittinweyme beirs burdeine with the borrowes royall of this his majesties kingdome of Scotland, and that it is most fitt and expedient that the samyne be also erectit in ane burgh royall inrespect the samyne is very populous, and hes ane guid and saiff harberie alreadie build upon the charges and expenses of the inhabitants of the said burgh, thairfor oure said soverane lord and estates of this present parliament have erectit, constituit, creat and ordanit and, be the tennor heirof, erects, constituites, creatts and ordaines the said burgh of Pittinweyme comprehending the haill houses, tenements, lands and comounties lyand betuix the burgh of Anstruther Wester one the eist, the lands of Sanct Monans and Abercromie one the west, and the lands of Balcaskie and Graingmuire one the north (exceptand alwayes the commounties be eist the march staines perteining to Anstruthar wester and mylnetowne[)], in ane haill and frie burgh royall, to be callit now and in all tyme coming heireftir the burgh of Pittinweyme; and declairs, statuites and ordaines the said burgh of Pittinweyme, comprehending the houses, tenements, lands and commounties forsaidis, now to hold immediatlie of oure said soverane lord and his hienes successors siclyk and als frilie in all respects as any uther burgh royall withine this kingdome ar haldine, and to have voitt in parliament, conventiones of estates and generall counsalls and commissiones of borrowes and in all uther lawfull meittings and assemblies quhair burghes royall of this kingdome hes place of sitting and woitting; and, if neid be, is ordaines ane chartor and infeftment to be exped thairupon wnder his hienes great seale in sick dew, large and ample forme and maner as is requisit and as hes beine in use to be grantit to any uther burgh royall within this realme conteining all priveledges, friedomes, liberties and immwuities dew thairto. In the parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the tuentie aucht day of Junii, the yeir of God jM vjC threttie thrie yeirs, comperit be thair procurators Thomas, earle of Kellie and Thomas, now lord Fentoun, and protestit that nather the signature and richt grantit or to be grantit be our soverane lord in favours of the towne of Pittinweyme for erecting of the samyne in ane frie burgh nor the ratificatioun past or to be past be his majestie at this present parliament in favours of Sir Williame Anstruther of that Ilk, knicht, of and concerning the Mylne of Pittinweyme, sall nawayes be hurtfull and prejudiciall to thame or any of thame anent the richts and secuirities maid and grantit be his majestie and his predicessors of befor in favours of the said Thomas, earle of Kellie and the said Thomas, now lord Fentoun, of the lands and lordschip of Pittinweyme and Anstruther Wester. Quhilk protestatione our said soverane lord and estates of this present parliament hes admitted and be thir presents admitts.
- NAS, PA2/21, f.85v-86v.