The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 23 January 2025
Act in favour of the burgh of Bruntiland
Oure soverane lord and thrie estates of this present parliament ordaines ane ratificatioun to be maid thairin to and in favours of the proveist, baillies, counsall and commwnitie of the burgh of Bruntiland and thair successors, ratifiand, approveand and, for his hienes and his successors, perpetuallie confirmand the infeftment and chartor maid, givin and grantit be oure said soverane lord, for himselff and as now lord of the lordschipe of Dumfermling, and having undoubted richt to the haill lands and rents belonging thairto, with advyse and consent of his hienes principall thesaurer, deputtie thesaurer and remanent lords and uthers of his hienes exchekker of Scotland, his majesties commissioners, to and in favours of the saidis proveist, baillies, counsall and commwnitie of the said burgh of Bruntiland and thair successors, quhairby oure said soverane lord, with advyse and consent forsaid, for the causes thairincontenit, hes not onlie ratifiet, approvine and confirmit all and sundrie infeftments, erectiones, gifts, actes of parliament, richts, titles and secuirities quhatsumever with all and sundrie priveledges, liberties, easments, commodities and immwnities quhatsumever thairin contenit maid and grantit be his hienes umquhile darrest father James, king of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, defendar of the faith, of worthie memorie, umquhile Marie, queine of Scottes, his guiddame, and umquhile King James the Fyft, his grandsir, or any of thame, thair regents or governors for the tyme, or be any uthers his hienes predicessors, or be any of the abbottes of Dumfermling for the tyme, to and in favours of the said burgh of Bruntiland, proveist, baillies, counsall and commwnitie thairof, to remaine with thame and thair successors perpetuallie in all tyme coming, bot also oure said soverane lord, for himselff and as now lord of the said lordschip of Dumfermling, of his hienes kinglie power and authoritie regall, with advyse and consent forsaid, hes of new givin, grantit and disponit to the saidis proveist, baillies, counsall and commwnitie of the said burgh of Bruntiland and thair successors heretablie all and haill his hienes said burgh of Bruntiland, haill lands, tenements, borrow ruides and commounties thairof and all thair pertinents lyand within the shirefdome of Fyffe, boundit and limitat in maner speciallie and particularlie specifiet and sett downe in the said chartor, togider with the port and harberie of the said burgh of Bruntiland, callit the Port of Grace, with the indraucht thairof and prymegilt of all shipes coming to the said port and libertie of the said burgh to be uptakine and collected be the proveist and baillies of the said burgh in all tyme coming, togider with the [...] tolles, customes, fyse, bolles and uthers quhatsumever perteining to ane frie burgh royall and all thair pertinents; as als of new erecting the said burgh of Bruntiland, with the port and harberie thairof forsaid, and all and sundrie the commodities and pertinents thairof in ane frie burgh royall, and makand and constituand the saidis proveist and baillies of the said burgh of Bruntiland and thair successors proveist and baillies thairof, water baillies within all the bounds, limitts, libertie and jurisdictione of the said burgh for administratione of justice in all and quhatsumever causes and actiones quhilks in tyme coming, ather be sea or land, sall occurre within the bounds and limeits forsaidis, concerning alsweill the inhabitants of the said burgh as straingers, with ample power and priveledge of buying and selling of all sort of merchandice, staple guides, fairs, mercatts and uthers liberties and priveledges at lenth specifiet and sett downe in the said chartor, to be haldine be the saidis proveist, baillies, counsall and commwnitie of the said burgh of Bruntiland and thair successors, of oure said soverane lord and his hienes successors kings of Scotland, in frie burgage and frie burgh royall for ever, as the said chartor of the dait the nynteine day of Februar, the yeir of God jM vjC threttie tua yeirs at mair lenth proports, with the precept of sasing following thairupon wnder the testimonie of his hienes great seale of the same dait, and the instrument of sasing following thairupon of the dait the tuentie sevint day of July, the yeir of God jM vjC threttie tua yeirs, wnder the signe and subscriptione of Maister Andro Wilsone, notar publick, in all and sundrie the heads, pointes, clauses, articles, circumstances and conditiones thairin contenit and eftir the formes and tenors thairof in all pointes. And oure said soverane lord and estates of parliament wills and grants and, for his hienes and his successors, perpetuallie decernes and ordaines that this present ratificatioun of the said infeftment, chartor, precept and sasing following thairupon is and sall be als effectuall and sufficient and of als great strenth, force and effect to the saidis proveist, baillies, counsall and commwnitie of the said burgh of Bruntiland and thair successors for bruiking of the said burgh lands, tenements, borrow rudes, commounties, tolles, customes, fyses, bolles, port, harberie, office of water bailliarie, mercatts, fairs and haill remanent priveledges and liberties thairin contenit and perteining to ane frie burgh royall, as if the said chartor, precept and seasing wer all at lenth de verbo in verbum ingrossit, insert and contenit in the said ratificatioun, notwithstanding the samyne sall not be sua done; quhairanent, and with all uther defects and imperfectiones of the said ratificatioun, oure said soverane lord and estates of parliament sall dispenses and, be thir presents, dispenses for ever, and that the said ratificatioun be farder extendit in the best forme with all clauses necessar.
- NAS, PA2/21, f.84r-85r.