The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 23 January 2025
Act in favour of the Lord Lindesay
Oure soverane lord and estates of this present parliament ratifies, approves and perpetuallie confirmes ane act daitit at Halyrudhous, the nynt day of Februar, the yeir of God jM vjC threttie ane yeirs, grantit be the lords commissioners for the surranders and teinds, be the quhilk act they have ratifiet, allowit and approvine ane uther act of the sessione of the kirk of Carraill anent the devyding of the rowmes and houses particularlie wnderwrittine fra the said kirk of Carraill and adjoyning and annexing of the same to the kirk and paroche of Kingsbarnes. Lykas the saidis lords commissioners be thair said act of new dissolvit and divydit the lands and rowmes particularlie eftirspecifiet, they ar to say: the lands of Pitmillie, Mortoun of Pitmillie, mylnes thairof, Kilduncane, Falsyde, Cuikstoun, Gersmestoun, Kingisbarnes and baronie of Kippo, Cambed, Belches and Mwirhouse, Randerstoun and Newtoun thairof fra the said kirk and paroche of Carraill, and joyned, unite and annexit the same to the said kirk and paroche of Kingsbarnes, quhilk kirk the saidis commissioners ordanit to be the paroche kirk of the lands particularlie abonewrittine and the inhabitants of the saidis lands to be the propper parichioners of Kingisbarnes in all tyme coming, with conditiones alwayes that the said divisioune sall not be prejudiciall to sick gentlemen within the paroche of Kingsbarnes as hes richt and priveledge of propper and peculiar buriell places within the kirk or kirkyaird of Carraill, bot that they and thair successors may injoy the samyne richt and priveledge als frielie and peaciblie as if they yit remanit parichioners of Carraill in all and sundrie heads, clauses and conditiones exprest and sett downe in the forsaid act maid and grantit be the saidis lords commissioners thairanent, togider also with the said act of the sessioune of the said kirk of Carraill and all uther actes presbiteriall and synodicall sett downe and concludit concerning the erectione of the said kirk of Kingisbarnes, with the lands and rowmes particularlie abonespecifiet, in ane severall and particular parochine be the selff divydit and distinguisched fra the said kirk and parochine of Carraill in maner beformentionat and declares all the saidis actes to be haldin as for exprest and sett downe heirintill ad longum et de verbo. And farder, our said soverane lord and estates forsaidis, for great and seine causis tending to the honor of God and his majestie and propagatione and maintenance of religione, and for the guid and weill of the kingdome, hes be expres and plaine vote, voyce and suffrage of parliament of new divydit the lands, rowmes and uthers particularlie abonewrittin fra the said kirk and parochine of Carraill, and hes joyned, united and annexit the samyne to the said kirk and paroche of Kingisbarnes, quhilk is declarit to have beine sen the first erectione thairof and to be for ever ane propper and peculiar paroche kirk callit and to be callit in all tyme coming the kirk of Kingsbarnes; quhilk kirk his majestie and estates forsaidis hes ordanit to be the paroche kirk of the lands particularlie abonewrittine and the inhabitants thairof to be the propper parichioners of Kingsbarnes in all tyme coming, and that they sall resort and repair thairto and to all sermones, preatchings, sacraments and uther ecclesiastick dewties and offices. And notwithstanding thairof, his majestie and estates forsaidis finds and declairs that the said Johne, lord Lindsay, his airs male and successors, hes, and sall have, guid and wndoubted richt, titill and entreis to the patronage of the said new erected kirk of Kingsbarnes and to the teinds of the lands and uthers abonespecifiet unite and annexit thairto as said is, as if the samyne had not beine dissolvit, disjoynit and separat fra the said kirk and paroche of Carraill, quhairof the said Johne, lord Lindsay, his predicessors and authors wer constituit heretable patrones of befor, and ratifies and approves all infeftments, richts and secuirities maid and grantit to thame thairupon, and that the said Johne, lord Lindsay and his forsaidis sall in all tyme coming abyde and remaine wndoubted heretable patrones of the said new erectit kirk of Kingsbarnes, siclyk and eftir the same forme and maner as if the said kirk of Kingsbarnes and lands abonewrittine had not beine separat nor disjoynit fra the said kirk and paroche of Carraill and that the said divisione sall not be prejudiciall to sick gentlemen of the said paroche of Kingsbarnes as hes richt and preveledge of propper and peculiar buriell places within the said kirk or kirkyeard of Carraill, bot that they and their successors may and sall injoy the samyne richt and priveledge als frielie and peaciblie as if they yit remainit parichiners of Carraill. And siclyk, oure said soverane lord and estates forsaidis finds and declares that the minister now present and his successors serving the cure at the said kirk of Kingsbarnes in all tyme coming hes, and sall have, guid richt and interes to the yeirlie stipend of fyve chalders victuall dottit and allowit be the said Johne, lord Lindsay, patrone and takisman of the teinds of the said kirk and parochine of Carraill, out of his cheritable dispositione for maintenance of the minister serving the cure at the said kirk of Kingisbarnes and his successors, and that but prejudice anent the payment of uther ten chalders of victuall yeirlie appointit and allowit to be payit to the ministers present and to come serving the cure at the said kirk of Carraill. And ordaines letters of horning upon ane simple charge of ten dayes to be direct heirupon at the instance of the minister present and to come serving the cure at the said kirk of Kingsbarnes, or at the instance of the said Johne, lord Lindsay, his airs male and successors, againes all persones haveand entreis for obtempering and obeying of this present act and statuit in all pointes; and ordaines the samyne to be ane sufficient warrand to the lord register for extending and extracting of ane act of parliament heirupon, in dew and ample forme as effeirs.
- NAS, PA2/21, f.76v-77r.