The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 23 January 2025
Act in favour of the Lord of Lorne
Oure soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the thrie estates of this present parliament, ratifies and approves the chartor and infeftment maid and grantit be his majesties umquhile darrest father of worthie memorie, for himselff and as father, administrator and governour to umquhile Henrie, prince of Scotland and Walles, duke of Rothsay, Albanie, Cornewall and Yorke, and stewart of Scotland etc., his majesties eldest sone for the tyme and quha was thairin designit Henrie, duke of Rothesay, earle of Carrik, lord of Ardmannok, barrone of the barronie of Renfrew and prince and stewart of Scotland, wnder the great seale of the dait at Edinburgh, the saxteine day of Marche, the yeir of God jM vjC and ten yeirs, in favours of his majesties richt traist cowsigne Archibald, earle of Ergyle, lord Campbell and Lorne etc., in lyfrent and of his majesties richt traist cowsigne and counsallor Archibald, lord of Lorne, his sone, in fie, his airs maill and of tailyie specifiet in the said chartor and infeftment under the conditiones, reservationes, provisiones and restrictiones thairin mentionat, off the earledome, lordschip and barony of Argyll, comprehending all and sundrie the lands, lordschipes, baronies, castells, tours, fortalices, mylnes, wodes, forrests, fischings, offices, priveledges, casualities, patronages and uthers thairin specifiet proceiding upon the resignatione of the said Archibald, earle of Argyll, conteining ane new gift with supplement of all defects and imperfectiones with the precept and instrument of sasing following thairupon, togider with the ratificatione and renunciatione maid and grantit be the said Archibald, earle of Argyll, of the dait the ellevint day of Marche, the yeir of God jM vjC threttie ane yeirs, quhairby and for the causes onerous thairincontenit the said Archibald, earle of Argyll renuncit and dischairgit in favours of the said Archibald, lord of Lorne, his airs male and of tailyie abonespecifiet, the said Archibald, earle of Argyll his lyfrent, richt and titill and all uther richt and titill competent or that micht be competent to him of the lands, baronies, mylnes, wodes, fischings, offices, patronages, superiorities and uthers particularlie and generallie mentionat in the said chartor and infeftment and of his haill remanent lands, teinds, possessiones, rents, and estate within the kingdome of Scotland and the haill provisiones, restrictiones and conditiones conceavit in favours of the said Archibald, earle of Argyll, contenit in the said infeftment of fie maid to the said Archibald, lord of Lorne of the said earledome, lordschip and baronie of Argyll, or contenit in quhatsumever infeftments, richts and secuirities conceavit in favours of the said Archibald, lord of Lorne off or concerning quhatsumever uther lands, superiorities, roumes, possessiones, teinds or uthers quhilks pertenit to the said Archibald, earle of Argyll, within the said kingdome of Scotland, conteining sundrie uther clauses thairin mentionat in all pointes, articles and clauses thairin contenit, efter the formes and tennors thairof; quhilks chartor, precept and instrument of sasing, ratificatioun and renunciatione forsaidis wer all produicit in parliament and seine be his majestie and estates of this present parliament; and inrespect thairof his majestie, with advyse and consent forsaid, declairs, decernis and ordaines this present ratificatioun of the saidis chartor, precept, instrument of sasing, ratificatioun and renunciatioun to be als sufficient and effectuall in all respects as if the samyne wer at lenth and word be word insert and ingrost heirintill, dispensand with the not inserting thairof in this present ratificatioun. As also his majestie, with advyse and consent forsaid, findes, declairs, statuites and ordaines the forsaid infeftment to be ane sufficient, valide and lawfull richt and secuiritie to the said Archibald, lord of Lorne and his forsaidis, for bruiking and joysing of the haill lands, lordschipes, baronies, castells, tours, fortalices, offices, patronages and uthers specifict in the forsaid chartor in all tyme coming. Attoure, forsameikle as be the forsaid infeftment of fie of the said earledome, lordschip and baronie of Argyll the said Archibald, lord of Lorne is infeft in the heretable offices of shirefschippes of the shirefdomes of Argyll and Tarbett, and that it is perfytelie knawine to his majestie and the estates of this present parliament that the saidis tua shirefdomes lyes contigue and that the burgh of Inveraray lyand within the said shirefdome of Argyll is the most fitt place to be the head burgh of baith the saidis shirefdomes for halding of the head courts thairof, and that thair is na fitt and propper place within the said shirefdome of Tarbett for halding of the samyne courts, and that in respect thairof the head courts and uther particular dyetts of the saidis shirefdomes hes for the maist pairt in all tyme bygaine beine haldin at the said burgh of Inverraray, alsweill concerning the inhabitants of the said shirefdome of Tarbett as the inhabitants of the said shirefdome of Argyll, thairfor his majestie, with advyse and consent of the thrie estates of this present parliament, hes united and be thir presents unites the said shirefdome of Tarbett to the forsaid shirefdome of Argyll, and ordaines baith the saidis shirefdomes of Argyll and Tarbett heirby vnited as said is to be callit in all tyme coming the shirefdome of Argyll. And mairattor, forsameikle as the lands following, viz: Ardnamwrachan and Sunnart, Lochyeild, Ardgoure, Kingairloche, Morwerne and the yles of Cana and Rowme lyes contigue to the saidis shirefdomes of Argyle and Tarbett and ar distant fra the burgh of Invernes (quhilk is the head burgh of the shirefdome of Invernes, withine the quhilk shirefdome the lands and yles immediately abonewrittine lyes) be the space of fyvescoir mylles or thairby and the saidis lands and yles at the fardest ar distant fra the said burgh of Inverraray be the space of threttie or fourtie myles, lykas the saidis haill lands and yles perteines to the said Archibald, lord of Lorne heretablie in propertie or tennandrie (except the lands in Morwerne and Kingairloche quhilks perteine heretablie to Schir Lauchlane McClene of Morwerne, knicht, Murdoche McClene of Lochbowie and [...] McClene of Kingairloche, and quha ar willing that the saidis lands be joyned to the said shirefdome of Argyll and have givin in thair humble petitione for that effect), thairfor his majestie, with advyse and consent of the saidis thrie estates of this present parliament, hes dismembered and be thir presents dismembers the haill particular lands and yles immediatlie abonewrittine fra the said shirefdome of Invernes and joyned and united and be thir presents joynes and unites the samyne lands and yles to the said shirefdome of Argyll, and declairs the inhabitants of the samyne lands and yles to be frie of the jurisdictione of the shireff of Invernes and to be lyable to the jurisdictioun of the said shireff of Argyll in all tyme coming, and declairs and ordaines the forsaid burgh of Inverraray to be in all tyme heireftir the head burgh of the said united shirefdome of Argyll, comprehending baith Argyll and Tarbett and the uther lands and yles abonespecifiet now unit thairto as said is, and declares that all citationes, summonds, denunciationes of hornings, inhibitiones, breives and sick uther publick citationes and proclamationes sall be maid, usit and execute at the mercatt croce of the said burgh of Inveraray for the haill bounds of baith the saidis united shirefdomes of Argyll and Tarbett and of the uther lands and yles abonespecifiet now unit to the said shirefdome of Argyll as said is and for the haill inhabitants thairof and that na citationes, summonds, denunciationes of hornings, inhibitiones, breives nor na uther sick publick citationes or proclamationes sall be usit at na tyme heireftir at the mercatt croce or accustomat place of Tarbett, and lykwayes ordaines the forsaid burgh of Inverraray to be the ordinar place for administratione of justice to the haill inhabitants of the said shirefdome of Argyll, comprehending the said shirefdome of Tarbett and uthers lands and yles abonespecifiet now unit thairto as said is, as being the head burgh of the said united shirefdome of Argyle as is abonementionat; but prejudice alwayes to the said Archibald, lord of Lorne and his forsaidis quhenever occasione be is offered to hald shireff courts within any pairt of the bounds of the saidis united shirefdomes of Argyll and Tarbett and uthers lands and yles abonespecifiet now unit to the said shirefdome of Argyll as said is, for the ease and commoditie of his hienes lieges, inhabitants thairof and uthers subject to the courts of the samyne and to ceite thame to compeir befor him or his forsaidis or thair deputtes upon the grund of any pairt of any lands lyand within the saidis united shirefdomes of Argyll and Tarbett and uthers lands and yles abonespecifiet united to the said shirefdome of Argyll as said is, as they sall be cited and requirit; and ordaines publicatioun heirof to be maid at the mercatt croces of Inveraray, Tarbett and Invernes to all and sundrie our said soverane lords lieges and uthers quhome it effeirs to the effect that nane pretend ignorance thairof; and ordaines thir presents to be ane sufficient warrant to the clerk of register and his deputtes for extending of ane act of parliament heirupon in dew and competent forme.
- NAS, PA2/21, f.71r-72v.