Act in favour of the colledge of Glasgow

Oure soverane lord and estates of this present parliament, with the declarationes alwayes wnderwrittine, ratifies, approves and perpetuallie confirmes the chartor and infeftment wnder the great seale daitit at Sanct James, the tuentie aucht day of Junii, jM vjC and threttie yeirs, maid and grantit be his majestie to and in favours of the universitie and colledge of Glasgow, principall, maisters, regents, haill members and incorporatioun of the samyne and thair successors for ever off the forsaid universitie and colledge, mansiones, maner places, houses, biggings, yeards, orcheards and uthers, alsweill lyand within as without the precinct of the said colledge, and of all lands, tenements, kirks, teinds, rents, provents, emoluments, dewties, priveledges, liberties and immwnities perteining and belonging to the said universitie and colledge and generallie and particularlie exprest and sett downe in the forsaid chartour and infeftment in all the heads, clauses and conditiones thairof, with the precept and instrument of sasing following thairupon, togider with the actes of parliament grantit in anno jM vjC and sevinteine in favours of the said colledge of Glasgow, togider also with the consents grantit be umquhile Maister Johne Hay, persone of Renfrew, and Maister Johne Hay, younger, his sone, than minister at Killellane and now persone of Renfrew, anent the annexing of the kirk of Renfrew to the said colledge of Glasgow, quhilk consent is of the dait the thride day of December jM vjC threttie tua yeirs, registrat in the buikes of counsall upon the saxt day of the said moneth and yeir; and with the contract and appointment maid betuix umquhile James, archibischope of Glasgow, and the rectour, deane of facultie and maisters of the said colledge one the ane pairt, and the said umquhile Maister Johne Hay and his sone one the uther pairt, of the dait the thride day of August and nynt day of November, jM vjC tuentie ane yeirs, togider lykwayes with the consent grantit be Maister David Shairpe, chantour of Glasgow, persone and viccar and minister of Kilbryde and Torrens, quhilk consent is daitit the tuentie thride day of November jM vjC tuentie sax yeirs; and with the contract and appointment of the same dait maid betuix the said umquhile archibischope and the principall, regents and maisters of the said colledge one the ane pairt, and the said Maister David Shairpe one the uther pairt, anent the forsaid kirk of Kilbryde and Torrens now unite to the said colledge of Glasgow in all the heads, clausses, articles and conditiones mentionat in the saidis severall richts and secuirities, halding and admitting the samyne as for exprest and sett downe heirintill ad longum et de verbo in verbum. And farder oure sovervane lord and estates of this present parliament, for great, wechtie and seine causes tending to the honour, floorisching and benefeit of the said colledge of Glasgow, universitie thairof and of the haill members and incorporatioun of the samyne hes rescindit and annullit the act of parliament maid in anno jM vjC tuentie ane, quhairby that uther act past in anno jM vjC and sevinteine annexing the said kirk of Renfrew to the said colledge of Glasgow was rescindit upon certane conditiones thairin specifiet. And for that effect his majestie and estates forsaidis hes ordanit and ordaines the said act of parliament past in anno jM vjC and sevinteine to stand in full force, strenth and effect in favours of the said universitie of Glasgow, haill members and incorporatioun of the samyne as if the said uther act of parliament past in anno jM vjC tuentie ane had never beine maid and grantit; and also rescinds and annulls that act of parliament past in anno jM vjC and sevinteine anent the restitutioun of chaptors in sua far allanerlie as may concerne and be extendit to the saidis kirks of Renfrew and Kilbryde and Torrens and to the kirk of Govane, teinds, fruites, rents, emoluments and dewties perteining and belonging thairto (in sua far as the same may be prejudiciall to the said colledge of Glasgow), and now unite and annexit to the said universitie and colledge of Glasgow. Attoure, oure said soverane lord and estates forsaidis, for great and wechtie causes and considerationes moving thame tending to the honor, good and floorisching of the said universitie and colledge of Glasgow, off new againe be the voice, voitte and suffrage of this haill parliament hes mortifiet, dottit and disponit and particularlie confirmit to the said universitie and colledge of Glasgow, and to the principall, regents, maisters, haill members, bodie and incorporatioun thairof and thair successors for ever, all and sundrie lands, teinds, kirkes, tenements, houses, yeards, priveledges, liberties and immwnities and uthers generallie and particularlie exprest and sett downe in the said chartour and infeftment and declairs the samyne to have beine and to be ane guid, valide and perfytte richt and infeftment to the said universitie and colledge of Glasgow, haill members and incorporatione of the samyne and to thair successors for ever for thair peacible and frie bruiking, joysing and possessing of all and quhatsumever exprest and sett downe in the said chartor and infeftment in sick forme and maner as if the samyne had beine particularlie giftit, mortifiet and disponit to the said universitie and colledge of Glasgow be oure said soverane lord and estates forsaidis, be expres words, voice and consent of this present parliament with expres declaratioun alwayes. Lykas oure said soverane lords and estates forsaidis be this present act and with consent of the principall, maisters, regents, haill members and incorporatioun of the said universitie and colledge of Glasgow, declairs, statuits and ordaines that the chartor and infeftment abonewrittine grantit be his majestie to and in favours of the said universitie and colledge of Glasgow with this present ratificatioun thairof sall nawayes be hurtfull nor prejudiciall to his majesties darrest cowsigne and counsellour James, duke of Lennox, his airs and successors, anent his infeftments and heretable richts of the office of bailliarie and justiciarie of the baronie and regalitie of Glasgow and all the pairts thairof, alsweill within as without the burgh of Glasgow haldin be him of the Archibischope of Glesgow, nor to no uthers his richts and infeftments quhatsumever grantit to him and his predicessors of any of his lands, mylnes, offices and uthers lyand within this realme of Scotland, bot that, notwithstanding of the chartor and infeftment abonewrittine and this present ratificatioun thairof, his majesties said darrest cowseine and counsallour James, duike of Lennox, and his forsaidis sall brulk, joyse, use and exerce the said office of bailliarie and justiciarie of the baronie and regalitie of Glasgow and all the pairts thairof abonementionat, and bruik, joyse and posses his mylnes, offices and uthers lyand within this realme without any impediment, burding or oppositione quhatsumever, siclyk and als frielie in all respects as if the chartor and infeftment abonewrittine and this present ratificatioun thairof had never beine maid nor grantit. And farder, with expres declaratioun that notwithstanding this present ratificatioun thair is reservit to the proveist, baillies and counsall of Glasgow the chaplanries of Sanct Johne and Sanct Marie perteining to the burgh of Glasgow possest be the said burgh and quhairof they have beine and ar in present possessioun; as also the priveledges of the meilmercatt situat besyde the Blackfrier kirk thairof; as als that the universitie of Glasgow sall be exeimed for thair awin members resident within the samyne and thair servants allanerlie and the houses, lands and tenements belonging to thame in propertie bot sall nawayes exeime other tennents duelling within the saidis houses in the said burgh of Glasgow fra the taxationes and other impositiones dew to be payit be thame as burgeses of the said burgh, and that the said universities exemptione grantit to thame be thair lait infeftment sall mak no kynd of derogatione to the richts and liberties of the said burgh of Glasgow, quhairof they have beine in use and possessioun. And lastly with declaratioun that this present ratificatioun sall not be prejudiciall to the archibischope of Glasgow nor his successors anent any richt quhilk they have to the trone, metts and measures of Glasgow nor to any uther thing quhilk lawfullie doeth apperteine to the said archibischope and his successors.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.67r-68r.