The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 13 January 2025
Act in favour of the Universitie of Sanct Andrewes
Oure soverane lord, with advyse of the thrie estates of parliament, ratifies and approves all and sundrie infeftments, gifts, mortificationes, patronages, priveledges, immwnities and uthers evidents, richts, titles and secuirities quhatsumever maid and grantit be his hienes or any of his majesties noble progenitors, or be the archibischops of Sanct Andrewes for the tyme, to the Universitie of Sanct Andrewes and to the rectors, regents, maisters, students, bursares, beddells and uthers suppositts of the same universitie, off quhatsumever daits, tennors or contents the samyne be of, and speciallie but prejudice of the generalitie the chartor of confirmatioun grantit be his hienes umquhile darrest guddame Marie, queine of Scottes, of eternall memorie, ratifiand and confirmand the chartor grantit be his hienes umquhile darrest predicessor King James the First of eternall memorie, of the dait at Perth, the tuentie day of Marche, and of his reigne the tuentie saxt, quhairby the rectors, regents, maisters, students, bursars, beddells and uthers within the said Universitie of Sanct Andrewes, thair lands, tenements, possessiounes and uthers guids, moveable and wnmoveable, spirituall and temporall, alsweill within the citie of Sanct Andrewes as in uther places, ar takin wnder the said King James the First and his successors protectioun, and quhairby they ar exemit frome all tributes, taxationes and collectiones, quhilk chartour of confirmatione is daitit the aucht day of Junii, jM vC fiftie fyve yeirs; and als the chartour of confirmatioun grantit be his hienes umquhile darrest father, King James the Saxt, of eternall memorie, of the dait the aucht day of Maii, jM vC thriescoir nynteine yeirs, ratifiand and approveand the chartour abonewrittine grantit be his hienes said umquhile darrest predicessor King James the First of the dait and contents abonespecifiet, and all uthers exemptiones, priveledges and confirmationes quhatsumever maid and grantit be his hienes noble progenitors, kings James the First, Second, Thride, Fourt, Fyft of worthie memorie and be his hienes said darrest guddame, Queine Marie, in all and sundrie heads, clausis, articles and conditiones contenit in all and sundrie the saidis infeftments, gifts, mortificationes, patronages and uthers respective, speciallie and generallie abonespecifiet, eftir the formes and tennors thairof. And oure said soverane lord, with advyse of the saidis estates of parliament, wills and grants, and for his hienes and his successors, decernes and declaires that the saidis infeftments, gifts, mortificationes, patronages, immwnities, priveledges and uthers abonespecifiet ar good and valide richts to the saidis rectors, regents, maisters, students and uthers abonewrittine for bruiking and joysing of the lands, tenements, possessiounes, immwnities, liberties, priveledges and uthers abonespecifiet in all tyme.
- NAS, PA2/21, f.65r.