The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 13 January 2025
Act in favour of the Bischope of Rosse
Oure soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the estates of this realme convenit in parliament, ordaines ane act to be maid in this present parliament, makand mentioun that forsameikle as his majesties umquhile darrest father of renowned memorie in his parliament haldine at Edinburgh, the tuentie aucht day of Junii, jM vjC and sevinteine yeirs, with advyse of the estates then convenit, dissolvit fra the crowne all and haill the abbacie of Ferne, with all and sundrie lands, lordschipes, wodes, mylnes, multors, fischings, alsweill superioritie as propertie thairof, advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of kirkes, chaplanries and alterages, and with all and sundrie fewfermes, fruites, rents, kaynes, customes and uthers dewties of the said abbacie of Ferne quhairsoever they ly; and to that effect retreittit, annullit and abrogatit the act of annexatioun of the temporalitie of benefices to the crowne, maid in the yeir of God, jM vC fourscoir sevine yeirs, in sua far as may be extendit or comprehend the said abbacie of Ferne, fruites and rents thairof. Lykas his majestie, with consent forsaid, of new unitit, annexit and incorporat all and haill the said abbacie and monasterie of Ferne, hous and precinct thairof, with all lands, lordschipes, mylnes, multors, fischings, alsweill superioritie as propertie thairof, teinds, teindscheaves, advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of kirkes, chaplanries, prebendaries and alterages with all fewfermes, annuelrents, anniversaries, fruits, rents, kaynes, customes and uthers dewties perteining thairto, declaring the name and memorie thairof to be utterlie extinguished and to be unit and incorporat in and with the bischoprick of Rosse, to remaine as ane pairt of the patrimonie thairof as the rest of the patrimonie of the said bischoprick but any uther speciall denominatione, to the effect that Patrick, than bischope of Rosse and his successors may peaciblie posses the said abbacie as being ane propper pairt of the said bischoprick, lykas his majestie ratifiet the severall gifts mentionat in the said act; and his majestie calling to mynd that be his hienes letters of gift and provisioun grantit wnder the great seale of the dait the [...] day of [...] lastbypast, his majestie hes givin, grantit and disponit during all the dayes of the lyftyme of ane reverend father in God, Johne, now bischope of Rosse, the said bischoprick of Rosse and abbacie of Ferne annexit thairto with all and sundrie lands, lordschippes, wodes, mylnes, multors, fischings, alsweill spiritualitie as temporalitie, propertie as superioritie, advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of kirkes, chaplanries, prebendaries and alterages, fewfermes, annuelrents, caynes, customes and dewties perteining to the said abbacie, to remaine with the said reverend father Johne, bischope of Rosse, and with the bischoprick thairof as ane pairt of the patrimonie of the same in all tyme coming, as the said act and provisioun maid to the said reverend father at lenth beires. Thairfor his majestie, with advyse of the saidis estates, ordaines ane act to be maid in this present parliament ratifiand and approveand, lykas his hienes, with consent forsaid, be thir presents and tennor of the said act ratifies and approves in favours of the said reverend father Johne, bischope of Rosse and his successors bischops of Rosse, the said act of dissolutioun, abrogatioun, new unioun and incorporatioun of the said abbacie of Ferne, spiritualitie and temporalitie, propertie and superioritie thairof, to the said bischoprick of Rosse, with all and sundrie former acts, gifts, provisiones and richts maid and grantit of the samyne ather in favours of the said Patrick, sumtyme bischope of Rosse, umquhile David, bischope of Rosse or any uthers thair predicessors, togider with the said gift and provisioun maid and grantit in favours of the said Johne, now bischope of Rosse of the said abbacie of Ferne, propertie and superioritie thairof, spiritualitie and temporalitie of the samyne, and all that hes followit or may follow thairupon. And his majestie and estates forsaidis decernis and declairs that the severall actes of dissolutioun, abrogatioun, new unioun and incorporatioun and uther former and posterior gifts and ratificatiounes maid and grantit of the said abbacie ar and sall be sufficient grounds, richts and titles quhairby the said Johne, now bischope of Rosse and his successors bischops thairof may bruik, joyse and possess the said abbacie or monasterie of Ferne, with all and sundrie lands, lordschipes, mylnes, multors, fischings, alsweill spiritualitie as temporalitie thairof, alsweill propertie as superioritie of the samyne, advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of kirkes, chaplanries, prebendaries and alterages, fewfermes, fruites, rents, caynes, customes and dewties of the said abbacie, to remayne and abyde inseparablie in all tyme coming with the said Johne, bischope of Rosse and his successors bischops of Ross, and with the benefice and bischoprick thairof unit and annexit thairto, siclyk and in the samyne maner as if the samyne had nevir beine annexit to the crowne or as if the samyne had beine speciallie exceptit and reservit furth of the said annexatioun, and as if the said abbacie, spiritualitie and temporalitie thairof, had beine propperlie ane pairt of the said bischoprick the tyme of the fundatione and erectione thairof; and as if the samyne had never beine ane severall or distinct benefice be it selff, to the quhilk his majestie and estates forsaidis be thir presents fullie consent and aggrie and ordaines thir presents to be sufficient warrand for making ane act in the said parliament.
- NAS, PA2/21, f.63r-v.