The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 13 January 2025
Act in favoures of the Archbischop of Glasgow
Oure soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the estates of this realme convenit togither in parliament, ordaines ane act of ratificatioun to be maid in this present parliament in favours of the richt reverend father in God, his majesties trustie and weilbeloued counsallour Patrick, archibischope of Glasgow, ratifiand and approveand, and for his majestie and his successors perpetuallie confirmeand, lykas his majestie be thir presents and tennor of the said act ratifies and approves, and for his majestie and his successors, with advyse and consent forsaid, perpetuallie confirmes the provisioun and gift grantit wnder his majesties great seale of the dait at Quhythall, the saxteine day of Apryll, jM vjC threttie thrie yeirs, in favours of the said reverend father, quhairby he is translated fra the seatt of the bischoprick of Ross to the sea of the archibischoprick of Glasgow, and hes givin, grantit and disponit to him during all the dayes of his lyftyme the said archibischoprick of Glasgow and haill benefice thairof, with all and sundrie lands, lordschipes, baronies, castells, toures, fortalices, maner houses, biggings, yeardes, orcheards, mylnes, multors, wodes, fischings, kirks, teindscheaves and uthers teinds, few fermes and uthers fermes, kaynes, customes, casualities, superiorities, tennents, tennendries, service of frie tennents, advocationes, donationes and richts of patronages, kirkes, benefices and chaiplanries, fruites, rents, emoluments, proffeitts and dewties quhatsumever perteining to the said archibischoprick, with priveledge of frie regalitie, frie chaiplanrie and chancellarie within the haill bounds of the said archibischoprick, with all priveledges, liberties, dignities and immwnities quhat-sumever perteining and belonging thairto, quhilk umquhile James, archibischope of Glasgow, or any of his predicessors in any tyme bygane fra the first fundatioun thairof possest or injoyed or micht have possest and injoyed or annexit thairto or quhilk may be fund or knowin to perteine to the said archibischoprick in tyme coming, and chieflie with advocatioun, donatioun of kirks, personage and viccarage of Ankrum, Askirk, Stobo and Eddistoun, quhilks ar kirks and lands perteining to the said archibischoprick, and with advocatioun and donatioun of kirkes, personage and viccarage of Kilbryde and Torrens, with all fruites, rents, emoluments, proffeitts and dewties quhatsumever perteining and belonging to the said archibischoprick, with all priveledges, liberties, commodities and immwnities quhatsumever perteining and belonging thairto, with all and haill the forsaid personage and viccarage of the said paroche kirk and parochine of Glasgow, with all and sundrie mansiones, houses, biggings, yeards, teindscheaves and uthers teinds, alsweill great as small, fruites, rents, casualities, proffeitts, emoluments and dewties quhatsumever perteining and belonging thairto quhairever they ly within this realme, as in the said gift and provisioun at lenth is contenit [...], with all decreitts and sentences following thairupon in the haill heads, articles, clauses, circumstances and conditiones of the samyne, admittand this present ratificatioun to be als valide as if the said gift and provisioun and decreits following thairupon war particularlie insert heirintill, with the not inserting quhairof his majestie, with advyse and consent forsaid, dispences heirby, and decernes and declairs that the said gift and provisioun and uthers abonewrittine ar and sall be sufficient grounds, richts and titles, quhairby the said richt reverend father during all the dayes of his lyftyme may bruik and joyse the said archibischoprick with all teinds, fruites, rents, dignities and uthers belonging thairto in all tyme coming, and ordaines thir presents to be ane sufficient warrand for making of ane act in the said parliament in favours of the said richt reverend father in maner abonewrittine.
- NAS, PA2/21, f.62r-v.