The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 13 January 2025
Act in favour of the Earle of Buchane
Oure soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the estates of parliament now presentlie convenit, ratifies and approves and, for his hienes and his successors, perpetuallie confirmes the decreit of reductione and declarator eftirmentionat thairincontenit, givin and pronuncit be the lords of counsall and sessioun upon the tuentie fyft day of July, the yeir of God jM vC tuentie aucht yeirs, at the instance of umquhile Dame Marie Dowglas, countes of Buchan, air immediatlie be progres to umquhile James, earle of Buchane, lord Auchterhous, hir foirgrandsirs guidsir, and at the instance of his hienes richt traist cowsigne James, earle of Buchane, lord Auchterhous, hir spous, quha is heretablie infeft in the earledome of Buchane, haill lands, lordschipes and baronies perteining thairto, with the honors, dignities, titles and priveledges of the samyne upon the resignatione of the said umquhile Dame Marie Dowglas, countes of Buchane, his spous, againes Alexander, earle of Eglingtoun, lord Montgomerie, James, earle of Montrois, lord Grahame of Muckdock, Johne, earle of Cassilles, lord Kennedie, George, earle of Caithnes, lord Sinclair, Williame, lord Sinclair of Berriedaill, his eldest sone and appearand air, umquhile James earle of Glencairne, lord Kilmawers, and Williame, lord Kilmawers, his eldest sone and appearand air, quhairby the said lords of counsall and sessioun, for the causes contenit in the said decreit, have reducit, retreatit and rescindit the pretendit decreit givin and pronuncit be his majesties umquhile darrest father, King James the Saxt of worthie and eternall memorie, his commissioners for the tyme, anent the placeing and ranking of the nobilitie of this his hienes kingdome of the dait the fyft day of Marche, the yeir of God jM vjC and sax yeirs, be the quhilk the saidis Alexander, earle of Eglingtoun, James, earle of Montrois, Johne, earle of Cassilles, George, earle of Caithnes, Williame, lord Sinclair of Berradaill, his sone, umquhile James, earle of Glencairne, and Williame, lord Kilmaweris, his sone, and thair predecessors hes allottit wnto thame the precedencie and prioritie in place and dignitie befor the said umquhile Dame Marie Dowglas, countes of Buchane, and his hienes said richt traist cowsigne James, earle of Buchane, hir spous, togither with all and quhatsumever chartors, infeftments, wreatts, evidents, creatioun of dignities and uthers testimonies and documents quhatsumever maid and grantit be our said soverane lord or his hienes predicessors kings and queines of Scotland to the forsaidis persones abonenamit, thair fathers, guidsirs, grandsirs, foirgrandsirs or any uthers thair predicessors of the father or mother syide, to quhome they have succeidit or may succeid jure sanguinis, or conceavit or introduicit in thair favours, quhairby they or any of thame clames or may clame the place, prioritie and precedencie of rank or dignitie befor his hienes said richt traist cowsigne James, earle of Buchane and the said umquhile Dame Marie Dowglas, countes of Buchane, his spous, of quhatsumever dait, tenor or contents the samyne be of; and hes decernit and declarit the samyne to have beine from the begining, to be now and in all tyme coming null and of nane availl, force nor effect with all that hes followit or may follow thairupon, in sua far as the samyne or any of thame may prejudge his hienes said richt traist cowsigne James, earle of Buchane and the said umquhile Dame Marie Dowglas, countes of Buchane, his spous, in thair richt title and dignitie of the said earledome of Buchane. And quhairby the saidis lords hes fund and declarit that notwithstanding thairof the saidis umquhile Dame Marie Dowglas, countes of Buchane, and his hienes said richt traist cowsigne James, earle of Buchane, hir spous, and thair successors in the earledome of Buchane had, and hes, good richt to the place, prioritie and precedencie in parliaments, generall counsalls and uther meittings and conventiones quhatsumever befor the saidis Alexander, earle of Eglingtoun, James, earle of Montrois, Johne erle of Cassilles, George, earle of Caithnes, Williame, lord Sinclair of Berradaill, his sone, umquhile James, earle of Glencairne, and Williame, lord Kilmawers, his sone, thair airs and successors, as the said decreit of reductioun and declarator of precedencie abonespecifiet thairin contenit of the dait forsaid at mair lenth beirs in all and sundrie the heads, pointes, clauses, articles, circumstances and conditiones thairincontenit, and eftir the forme and tennor thairof in all pointes, lykas oure said soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the saidis estates of this present parliament, willes and grants, and for his hienes and his successors perpetuallie decernes and ordaines that this present ratificatioun of the said decreit of reductioun and declarator of precedencie is and sall be als valide, sufficient and effectuall to his hienes said richt traist cowsigne James, earle of Buchane and his airs and successors in the said earledome of Buchane as if the samyne decreit had beine heirin at lenth de verbo in verbum, speciallie and particularlie, insert and contenit; quhairanent oure said soverane lord, with advyse and consent forsaid, for his hienes and his successors, hes dispensit and be thir presents dispenses for ever.
- NAS, PA2/21, f.57r-v.