The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 19 September 2024
Act in favour of the Marques of Hamiltoun
Oure soverane lord, with consent of the thrie estates of parliament, ratifies and approves the gift and letters patents grantit be his majestie wnder his great seale, with consent of his majesties thesaurar, comptroller and collector principall and deputt, and with consent of his majesties exchecker, in favours of his richt traist cowsigne and counsallour James, marques of Hamiltoun, erle of Arrane and Cambridge, his airs and assignais, of all and haill the customes and imposts of wynes for the space of saxteine yeirs eftir the first of August jM vjC threttie ane yeirs, as in the said gift of the dait at Quhythall, the tuentie fyft of Februar, jM vjC threttie ane yeirs at mair lenth is contenit, togider with ane uther gift and letters patents wnder his majesties great seale grantit be his majestie, with consent of the said thesaurar and comptroller principall and deputte and lords of exchecker, to the said Marques of Hamiltoun and his forsaidis, quhairby his majestie hes ratifiet and approvin the said former gift of the dait, tennor and contents forsaids, and als hes of new givin, grantit and disponit to the said marques and his forsaids all and haill the said custome and impost of wynes, alsweill auld as new, perteining and dew to his majestie at any tyme preceiding the dait of the said gift, and als all and haill that new impost of wyne ordainit to be uplifted fra the merchands of quhatsumever wynes imported withine this kingdome or exported without the same, and dew to be payit be the buik of rates, and that for the space of saxteine yeirs eftir his entrie thairto, quhilk is appointit to be and begine upon the first of August, jM vjC threttie ane yeirs; and siclyk hes maid and constituit the said marques and his forsaidis wndoubted assignais in and to the contract and appointment maid betuix his majesties richt traist cowsigne and counsallour Johne, earle of Marre, lord Erskeine and Gareache etc., his majesties thesaurar, comptroller and collector principall for the tyme, with advyse and consent of the lordes of his majesties exchecker one the ane pairt, and Williame Dick, merchand burges of Edinburgh, one the uther pairt, quhairby the said impost of wynes ar sett to the said Williame Dick for the space of fyve yeirs eftir his entrie, quhilk was upon the first of November, jM vjC tuentie nyne yeirs, for the yeirlie payment of the soume of ane hundreth and tuelff thousand merkes, and that in sua far as the samyne may be extendit to the terme of Lambes jM vjC threttie ane and of all uther termes to rin of the said tak, and hes givin and grantit to the said marques and his forsaidis, thair servants, factors and deputtes, full power, libertie and priveledge to exact and uplift the saidis imposts of wynes for the said space of saxteine yeirs als frielie and amplie as his majesties customers or takismen thairof was in use to doe of befor, and hes inhibited and dischargit all gifts and assignationes maid of the saidis imposts of wynes to quhatsumever persone or persones, lykas his majestie hes promeist in verbo principis to ratifie the said gift in the nixt parliament, and to dissolve the saidis impost of wynes frome his majesties crowne for the said space of saxteine yeirs to the effect the said marques may bruik the samyne during the said space, as in the said gift of the dait at Quhythall, the fyfteine of Marche jM vjC threttie ane yeirs, at mair lenth is contenit in the haill haides, clausses, and articles contenit in the saidis tua gifts or ather of thame; and willes and declaires that this present ratificatioun is, and sall be, als valide and effectuall to the said marques and his forsaidis as if the saidis gifts wer insert heirin word be word, quhairanent his majestie and estates dispenses for ever. Attour, forsameikle as his majestie, with consent of the estates, hes tryed and fund and, be thir presents, finds the reassones and causses of granting of the saidis gifts to the said marques to have beine and to be just and seine reassonable causses, tending to his majesties honor and publick good of the kingdome, thairfor his majestie and estates hes dissolved, and be thir presents dissolves, the saidis customes and imposts of wynes old and new contenit in the saidis tua gifts and ather of thame fra his majesties crowne, and fra all actes of annexatione quhairby the saidis imposts of wynes old and new and uthers contenit in the said gift was annexit to the crowne be his majestie or any of his majesties predicessors of happie memorie, to the effect the said marques and his forsaidis may peaciblie bruik and injoy the same for the space of saxteine yeirs contenit in the saidis giftes and according to the tennor thairof in all pointes, and als to the effect his majestie may of new gift and dispone to the said marques and his forsaidis the saidis customes and imposts of wyne old and new and uthers mentionat in the said gift with the haill richts, liberties and priveledges for uplifting thairof for the said space of saxteine yeirs, quhilk was and begane at the said feast of Lambes in the yeir of God, jM vjC threttie ane yeirs. And his majestie and estates forsaidis declairs all gifts, grants, assignationes and dispositiones of the saidis customes and impost of wynes and uthers abonespecifiet maid and grantit be his majestie or his majesties thesaurar, with consent of the exchecker, to quhatsumever persone or persones induring the said space of saxteine yeirs to be null and of nane availl, force nor effect be way of exceptioun or reply.
- NAS, PA2/21, f.54v-55r.