Act in favour of the Marques of Hamiltoun

Oure soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the estates of this present parliament, considering that forsameikle as umquhile James the Fourt, king of Scottes, had grantit infeftment wnder the great seale to umquhile James, lord Hamiltoun, foirgrandsir to his hienes richt traist cowsigne and counsallour James, now marques of Hamiltoun, erle of Arrane and Cambridge, lord Aven and Inverdaill etc., of the lands and earledome of Arrane, lyand within the shirefdome of Butte, of the dait the elevint day of August, jM vC and thrie yeirs, and siclyk his majesties umquhile darrest father, King James the Saxt, of worthie memorie, and oure said soverane lord, than prince and stewart of Scotland, had grantit infeftment wnder thair great seales of the dait the tuentie thride day of July, jM vjC tuentie ane yeirs, in favours of umquhile James, marques of Hamiltoun, earle of Arrane and Cambridge etc., father to the said James, now marques of Hamiltoun, of the saidis lands and earledome abonespecifiet, and siclyk, forsameikle as oure said soverane lordes umquhile darrest father had givin and grantit infeftment wnder his hienes great seale to umquhile James, earle of Arrane, uncle to the said umquhile James, marques of Hamiltoun, and his airs male thairincontenit, off all and sundrie the lands and baronie of Hamiltoun and of all and sundrie the lands and baronie of Machanschyre, lyand within the shirefdome of Lanerk, off the dait at Hamiltoun, the tuentie fourt day of Junii, jM vC fourscoir nyne yeirs, lykas his hienes said umquhile darrest father in the parliament haldin at Edinburgh upon the fourt day of August, jM vjC tuentie ane yeirs, with advyse and consent of the estates of the said parliament, not onlie ratifiet and approvit the forsaids infeftments respective abonespecifiet, bot also with advyse and consent of the saidis estates of parliament dissolvit the forsaids lands and earledome of Arrane fra his majesties crowne and patrimonie thairof, and fra the principalitie and fra all actes of annexatione maid be his hienes said umquhile darrest father or his predicessors quhairby the saidis lands and uthers forsaids or any pairt thairof wer annexit to his majesties crowne or to the principalitie, to the effect that his majestie micht give and dispone the samyne to the said umquhile James, marques of Hamiltoun, his airs male and assignais forsaidis heretablie. And siclyk his majesties said umquhile dearest father, conforme to the said act of parliament and dissolutione thairinspecifiet, grantit infeftment wnder his hienes great seale, of the dait at Roystoun, the tuentie ane day of October, anno jM vjC and tuentie tua yeirs, in favours of the said umquhile James, marques of Hamiltoune, of all and haill the saidis lands and earledome of Arrane; and inlykmaner, our said soverane lord grantit infeftment to the said James, now marques of Hamiltoun of the heretable office of justiciarie within the haill bounds of the said earledome of Arrane, sameikle thairof as perteines to the said James, now marques of Hamiltoun, lyand within the said shirefdome of Bute, and the lands of Saddell in Kintyre, lyand withine the shirefdome of Tarbett, with all and sundrie priveledges, immwnities, dignities, liberties, casualities, proffeittes and dewties perteining to the said heretable office of justiciarie within the bounds thairof forsaids, particularlie exprest in the chartor and infeftment maid and grantit be his majestie wnder his hienes great seale to Archibald, lord Lorne, of the said heretable office of justiciarie within the bounds thairincontenit, of the dait the sevinteine day of Apryll, jM vjC and tuentie aucht yeirs, quhilk infeftment grantit be his majestie to the said James, now marques of Hamiltoun, of the said heretable office of justiciarie within the bounds forsaids, is of the dait at Halyrudhous, the tuelff day of Junii jM vjC and tuentie nyne yeirs. And now calling to mynd the guid, trew and faithfull service done to his majestie and his hienes most noble progenitors be the said James, now marques of Hamiltoun and his predicessors, quhilk service his majestie and estates forsaidis, having tryed and fund profitable to his majesties realme and lieges and worthie of remuneratione, thairfor his majestie, with advyse and consent forsaid, ratifies, approves and perpetuallie confirmes the forsaids haill infeftments respective abonespecifiet of the saidis lands, earledome, baronies, justiciarie and uthers thairin contenit, with the precepts and instruments of sasing respective following thairupon, and als the forsaid act of parliament, ratificatioun, dissolutioun and uthers thairin contenit, togider with the said James, now marques of Hamiltoun, his service and retour quhairby he is servit air in the saidis lands, earledome, baronies and uthers forsaids to the said umquhile James, marques of Hamiltoun, his father, precepts and instruments of sasing following thairupon, in all and sundrie heads, articles, clausses and conditiones thairin contenit eftir the formes and tennors thairof, and statuits and ordaines this present ratificatioun and confirmatioun to be als valide, effectuall and sufficient in all respects as if the saidis infeftments respective abonespecifiet, with the precepts and instruments of sasing following upon the samyne and actes of parliament respective abonewrittine, wer at lenth, and word be word, insert and sett downe heirintill, quhairanent our said soverane lord and estates forsaids dispenses heirby for ever. Mairover, oure said soverane lord, with advyse and consent forsaid for the causses abonewrittine, findes, decernes, decreitts and delivers the forsaids infeftments, richts, titles and secuirities particularlie and generallie abonementionat, and haill grounds of the samyne, to be good, valide and effectuall richts be wertew quhaireof the said James, now marques of Hamiltoun, his airs male and successors may bruik, joyse and possess the forsaids lands, earldome, baronies, justiciarie and uthers quhatsomever contenit in the saidis infeftments and act of parliament abonementionat peaciblie without any questioun in all tyme coming, ordaining the clerk of register and his deputtes to extend ane act of parliament heirupon in forme as effeirs.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.53v-54r.