Commissioun anent the kirkes of Nisbett and Crailing

In the parliament haldin at Edinburgh the tuentie aucht day of Junii, jM vjC threttie thrie yeirs, the quhilk day anent the supplicatioun givin in and presentit to his majestie and lords of parliament nominat and chosin for the articles be the parichioners of the paroche kirk and parochine of Nisbetts, within the schirefdome of Roxburgh, makand mentione that upon some informatioun maid to the estates of parliament in anno jM vjC and tuelff yeirs, the kirk of Nisbetts was united to the kirk of Crailing for heiring the divine service and participating of the sacraments; and sieing the parichioners in thair resort thither wer forcit ather to adventure thair lyfes oftentymes in crocing the rivers of Tyett and Oxname, or to mak a journey of at least four mylles to croce the saidis watters at the bridge of Ancrum, though non of the said paroche duells halfe a myll frome thair auncient paroche kirk the kirk of Nisbetts, and sieing also that the ministers whole stipend is payit out of the paroche of Nisbetts and that the buriall of the saidis parichioners did still remaine at the said kirk of Nisbetts, thairfor beseikand the saidis lords of the articles to ordaine that the auncient seatt of the said kirk of Nisbetts micht be the onlie kirk for the saidis paroches of Nisbetts and Crailing, and the present minister and his successors ordanit thaireftir to mak thair residence within the parochine of Nisbetts, and that the induellars of Crailing sould repair to the said kirk of Nisbetts as thair onlie paroche kirk for exercise of divine service in all tyme thaireftir, as the said supplicatioun beares. Quhilk supplicatioun, being upon the tuentie saxt of the said moneth of Junii red in awdience of his majestie and the saidis lords of the articles, and they having had deliberat consideratioun thairof, eftir deliberatioun, they remittit and be thir presents remittes the forsaid supplicatioun and haill contents thairof, and consideratione of the same, to the decisioun and determination of the saidis lords commissioners of parliament appointit be his majestie and estates for surranders and teinds, with power to thame to determine thairin as they sall think fitt and expedient.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.47v.