Commissioun anent the ministers stipends of Edinburgh etc.

Oure soverane lord and estates of parliament, having considerit thir particular articles wnderwrittine, givin in and produicit in parliament, viz: ane article givin in anent the payment of the ministers stipends within the burgh of Edinburgh, desyring that the soume of tuelff thousand merkes may be uplifted yeirlie of the haill inhabitants and induellers within the said burgh (the lords of his majesties counsall and sessioun being onlie excepted), and that according to the proportioun of the maill they pay or the houses quhair they reside may pay for ane maintenance and stipends to the ministers of the said burgh. Item, ane petitioun be the gentlemen and inhabitants of the shirefdomes of Elgin, Forres, Nairne and Invernes desyring that some solide ordour sould be takin with the rebells of these bounds and that warrand be grantit to his hienes advocat to persew the saidis rebells befor the justice, conforme to the said supplicatioun. Item, ane article desyring the chartor of erectioun of the burgh of Stranraver, with the heavine thairof, in ane frie royall burgh, to be ratifiet in favours of the proveist, baillies, counsall and commwnitie thairof and thair successors. Item, the supplicatioun, desyre and reassounes givin in and produicit to the parliament be the towne of Wigtoun againes the forsaid ratificatioun and desyre thairof. Item, ane article for the inhabitants of the wast and north Yles of Scotland desyring all charges and letters, ather for civill or criminall causes, quhilks sall be direct againes the inhabitants thairof, to be ordanit to be direct upon thriescoir dayes onlie. Item, ane article for the inhabitants of Orknay and Yetland creaving that the removeable tennents thairof be frie of payment of taxatioun. Item, it is creavit that cawtioun for lawborrowes for the inhabitants of Orknay and Yetland be fund within the cuntrie thair and that the letters beir the same. Item, that it be ordanit that all poindings usit within Orknay and Yetland sall be lawfull, being apprysit and offerit upon the ground to the pairtie and the nixt Sabboth day at the paroche kirk dure without going to the croce of Kirkwall or Skalloway. Item, it is creavit be the uddallers of Orknay and Yetland quha hes thir many ages, conforme to the dense law, possest thair land for payment of scatt and teind, that no man be interponit betuix his majestie and thame to molest thame, bot that they remaine his majesties immediat vassells for payment of scatt and uther dewties conforme to thair rentalls, ay and quhill his majestie conforme thair richts to the lawes of this kingdome. Item, that it may be ordanit that actes of warding upon shireffs decreitts in default of moveable guids be direct conforme to the order usit within burgh, inrespect that the soumes being ten or tuelff punds, and the debtor, having no moveable goodes poindable, the pairtie is not able to raise horning and captioun thairupon. Item, ane article givin in be Sir Johne Scott, director of the chancellarie, desyring that the consideratioun of the article givin in be him anent the pryces of the wreatts quhilks passes his office may be remitted to such number of the lords of the articles of the thrie estates as oure soverane lord and the parliament sall think meitt, and that the pryces thairof may be established be thair act according to the usuall forme. Item, ane petitioun, with some articles givin in be the doctors of phisick within this kingdome, desyring our soverane lord and estates of parliament to tak the articles and overtures givin in be thame (for incorporating of the doctors of phisick within this kingdome in ane colledge of phisicianes within the burgh of Edinburgh) to thair consideratioun, and to allow all or such thairof as sould be fund expedient, as the saidis particular articles and petitiones respective abonespecifiet beirs. Oure said soverane lord and estaites of parliament forsaides, being willing that the forsaids particulars abonewrittine and everie ane of thame, with the equitie and justnes of the desyres of the samyne and expediencie and conveniencie thairof, be cairfullie and exactlie considerit, hes thairfor remittit and recommendit, and remittes and recommends, the forsaids particulars abonewrittine and everie ane of thame to the lords of his majesties secreit counsall of the kingdome of Scotland, to quhome oure soverane lord and estates of parliament forsaids gives and grants full power and commissioun to consider, advyse and try the forsaids haill particular articles and petitiounes abonementionat, and everie ane of thame, with the equitie, necessitie and expediencie thairof, and thaireftir to decerne, statuit and determine anent the forsaids particular articles and petitiones and ilk ane of thame according as the saidis lords of secreit counsall sall think expedient for the good and weill of all the lieges and according to the equitie, necessitie and expediencie of the forsaids articles and petitiounes abonementionat. Lykas our soverane lord and estaits of parliament forsaids ordaines the decreitts, statuits, ordinances and determinationes to be maid, givin and pronuncit be the saidis lords of secreit counsall anent the forsaids particular articles and petitiounes abonewrittine, or any of thame, to have the strenth, force and effect of ane sentence and act of parliament.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.46v-47v.