Commissioun anent the disjoining of Meikle and Litle Daltounes etc.

Oure soverane lord and estates of parliament hes remittit and recommendit, and remittes and recommends, the article givin in to the parliament desyring the kirkes of Meikill and Litle Datounes, lyand within the diocie of Glasgow, to be disjoined fra the kirk of Mowswald, and ordaining Meikle and Litle Daltounes to be ane severall cure and paroche kirk per se fra Mowswald, as the article in the selff mair fullie proports. Item, the article givin in to the said parliament for erecting and planting and edifieing of ane new kirk upon the most commodious pairt of the parochine of Beithe lyand nearest to the middel of the said parochine, quhilk is ane of the kirkes of the presbetrie of Irwing, lyand within the bailliarie of Cunynghame, and for taking downe and transporting of the auld kirk of the samyne parochine of Beithe and haill materialls thairof to the place quhair the new kirk is to be buildit for the better help to the edifieing thairof; and desyring that the manse, gleib and gleib lands of the parochine of Beithe, presentlie possest be the minister thairof, sall be applyit to the use and utilitie of the builders and provyders of the new manse and gleib, quhilk sall be provydit to the minister serving the cure at the new kirk of Beith to be erectit and buildit in maner contenit in the said article, as the samyne in the selff at mair lenth beires; to the lordes commissioners and clergie of the hie commissioun of the kingdome of Scotland to be considerit, advysit and determinat be thame, to quhome oure said soverane lord and estates of parliament forsaids gives and grants be thir presents full power and commissioun to decerne and determine anent the forsaids tua particular articles abonewrittine and ilk ane of thame, according as the saidis lords and remanent commissioners of the said high commissioun, eftir consideratione, tryell and cognitione had and takin be thame anent the forsaids tua articles abonementionat, sall find good for the ease, weill and benefeit of the lieges having entreis thairin; and ordaines the decreit, sentence and determinatione to be maid, givin and pronuncit be the said high commissioun anent the forsaids tua particulars abonespecifiet to have the strenth, force and effect of ane sentence and act of parliament in all tyme coming.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.46r.