Procedure: continuation of parliament

The whilk day the commissionaris underwrittin of the foresaid present parliament, viz: George, vicount of Dupline, chancellor of Scotland, Williame, erll of Stratherne, president of the privie counsall thairof, Thomas, erll of Hadingtoun, lord privie seill, Williame, erll of Marshell, George, erll of Wintoune, Alexander, erle of Lynlythgow, Johnne, erle of Pearthe, Johnne, erle of Wigtoune, Johnne, lord Stewart of Traquair, Schir Johnne Hamiltoun of Magdalenis, clerk of registere, Schir Thomas Hope of Craighall, knycht barronet, his hienes advocat, and Schir George Elphingstoun of Blythiswode, justice clerk, tuell of the commissionaris contenit in the foresaid last commissioun produceit, haveing convenit as upone the day to the quhilk the foresaid parliament wes continowit, they efter the said parliament wes fensit and the suttis thairof callit hes continowit and continowis this present parliament in the same forme, force and effect etc., with all summondis, actiounes, causis and utheris materis belonging thairto whill the auchtene day of Junii in the yeir of God 1633 yeiris, with continowatioun of dais, to be hauldin at Edinburgh or whair it sall happine his majestie and his hienes privie counsall to direct be thair lettres be oppen proclamatioun; and ordanes all the estaittis of parliament and utheris his majesteis leiges to await thairupone the saidis time and place under the panes contenit in the actes of parliament of this realme.

Wpon the fensing of the quhilk parliament and continowatioun of the samene unto the day foresaid, the said Schir Thomas Hope, advocat to oure soverane lord, for his hienes interes, askit instrumentis.

  1. NAS, PA2/21, f.2v.