The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 20 September 2024
Procedure: continuation of parliament
The whilk day the commissionaris of the foresaid parliament under writtin, viz: Thomas, erll of Hadingtoun, lord privie seill, Williame, vicount of Stirling, secretar principall of the kingdome of Scotland, Johnne, lord Stuart of Traquair, Schir Johnne Hammiltoun of Magdalenis, clerk of registere, Schir Thomas Hope of Craighall, knycht barronet, advocat to oure soveraigne lord, and Schir George Elphingstoun, justice clerk, haveing convenit for fensing of the foresaid parliament, oure said soverane lordis advocat produceit ane commissioun under the quartar seill grantit be his majestie of the dait at Oatlandis, the auchetene of Julii 1631 yeiris, beirand that the foresaid parliament wes continowit to the foresaid fourt day of August, and thairfore making and constituent George, vicount of Dupline, chancellor of Scotland, William, erll of Mortoun, thesaurer thairof, Williame, erle of Monteythe, president of the privie counsale, Thomas, erle of Hadingtoune, lord privie seall, Williame, erle Marshell, Johnne, erle of Rothes, George, erle of Wintoune, Alexander, erle of Lynlythgow, Johnne, erll of Pearthe, Johnne, erll of Wigtoun, Williame, vicount of Stirling, Johnne, lord Weymes, Johnne, lord Stuart of Traquair, Schir Johne Hammiltoun of Magdalenis, clerk of registere, Schir Thomas Hope of Craighall, his hienes advocat, Schir George Elphingstoune, justice clerk, his hienes commissionaris, giveand powar to thame, or any fyve of thame, for fensing and haulding of the said parliament and continowatioun thairof whill the threttene day of Aprill nixtocume 1632 yeris. Whilk commissioun being red publictlie, efter that the court of parliament wes fensit and the suttis callit, the saidis commissionaris abonenamit wha wer this day present hes continowit and continowis this present parliament in the same forme, force and effect etc., with summondis, actiounes, causis and utheris materis belonging to the said parliament whill the said threttene day of Aprill nixtocume 1632 yeiris, to be holdin then at Edinburghe or whair it sall happine his majestie and his hienes privie counsall to direct be thair lettres be oppen proclamatioun; and ordanes the saidis estaittis of parliament and all utheris his hienes leiges to await thairupone the foresaidis tyme and place under the panes contenit in the actis of parliament of this realme.
Wpon the fensing of the quhilk parliament, continowatioun thairof and haill premisis thairof unto the day abonewrittin, the said Schir Thomas Hope, advocat to oure soverane lord, for his hienes interes, askit instrumentis.
- NAS, PA2/21, f.2r-v.