Procedure: burgh commissioners' appearance before the privy council; continuation

The whilk day David Aikinheid, Williame Carnegie and Maistir Alexander Guthrie, commissioners for the burgh of Edinburgh, accompanied with a nomber of commissioners frome the burrowes of this kingdome, compeirand personallie before the lords of secreit counsell, and being demanded if they had condescended upon the particular firthes, loches, bayes and yles quhilks they crave to be excepted and reserved for the use of the natives of this kingdome, they excused thameselfes upon the importance of the bussines and the hurtfull consequences that may follow thairupoun if the English sall be permitted to fishe in the reserved waters. Quhilk excuse being heard and considderit be the lords, they have assigned and assignes to the saids commissioners the morne at ten of the clocke in the forenoone to give in a perfyte report in writt of the particular firthes, loches, bayes and yles quhilks they desire to be reserved

  1. NAS, PC1/34, f.23v-24r.