
Sederunt: chanceller, thesaurar, president, privie seale, Wintoun, Linlithgow, Seafort, Air, Lord Areskine, Lord Melvill, clerk register, advocate, justice clerk.

Togidder with the commissioners underwrittin nominat be the conventioun of estats for the treatie anent the fishing, to witt: the Erles of Rothesse, Buchan and Carrick, the Bishop of the Yles, the Lairds of Cranstounriddill, Lee and Rickartoun, George and Alexander Bruces, Alexander Clerk, Thomas Halyburtoun, Maister Udast Lawsone, Maister James Cockeburne, Johne Cowane, Maister Johne Hay, Maister Alexander Guthrie, Gabriel Cuninghame, Johne McKesone, James Watsone, Johne Williamesone, Robert Alexander and Robert Richartsone.

  1. NAS, PC1/34, f.19r.