Procedure: ratification of patent
Act in favours of the Lord Spynnie

The estaits, having read, heard, seene and considderit the petitioun givin in be Alexander, lord of Spynie craving a ratificatioun of the patent grantit by the king's majestie to him, making him during his lyfetyme to be generall mustourmaister and crowner over the haill companeis throughout this kingdome and yles adjacent thairto, and the saids estats having read, heard and considderit the said patent and being well advised thairwith, the saids estaits hes ratified, allowed and approvin and, be the tennour heirof, ratifeis, allowes and approves the said patent in the haill heids, points, clauses and articles thairof and after the forme and tennour of the same, with this speciall provisioun and conditioun alwayes: that this present ratificatioun sall be, lykeas it is heirby declared to be without prejudice of the liberteis and priviledges competent to anie persoun or persouns concerning this bussines, and ordanis the said Lord of Spynie to make choise of his crowners and others officiars be the advice of his majesteis counsell.

  1. NAS, PC1/34, f.17r.