Anent the importing of unnecessair waires and exporting of money

The estaittis, considering that one of the cheiff causes whilk hes procurit the scarcitie and penurie of moneyis within this kingdome hes proceidit from the importatioun of unnecessair waires, whairof the cuntrey standis not in neid, and from the exportatioun of the proper moneyis of the kingdome and selling of the same as ordinarie merchandice in forreyne cuntreyis, whairas yf the native commodities of the cuntrey wer verteouslie used and imployed upoun the importatioun of necessair commodities, and if this wicked and mischevous trade of exporting of moneyis wer advertit unto and punist, the penurie and scairstie of moneyis wald not be so universallie sensible and apparent. And seing thair is goode actis alreadie maid and standing in force bothe aganis the importatioun of unnecessair wairis and the exportatioun of moneyis, the not executioun whairof hes produceit this comoun evill and want of moneyis, thairfore the estaittis ordanis all the saidis actis, togither with the actis maid anent the pryceis of sownis and Englishe beir, to be putt to executioun and the contravenaris thairof to be seveirlie punist. And the estaittis recommendis to the lordis of secreitt counsell the dew prosequutioun of the saidis actis and the discoverie and punisheing of the offendaris. And sicklike, the estaittis ordanis and commandis the maister of his majesties cunyehous that he at no tyme heirafter tak ony other satisfactioun for bulyeoun bot the bulyeoun itself in foreyne money as he will answeir upoun the contrarie at his perrill.

  1. NAS, PC1/31, f.80v.