Anent the victual and granaryis

Anent the article for the vittaill and the pryceis to be sett thairupoun upoun occasionis of importatioun and exportatioun, the estaittis understandis that this matter is alreadie in dependance befoir the lordis of secreit counsell betuix the baronis and the burrowis and that the saxt day of December nixt is appoyntit for heiring thairof, thairfore the estaittis hes remittit that matter to the saidis lordis of secreit counsell with the other article anent the granaryis and recommendis unto thame to haif ane speciall care of that whilk sall seame most fitte and expedient for the weele of the cuntrey.

  1. NAS, PC1/31, f.79v.