Procedure: commission to the lieutenant general
Commission to [James Livingstone], earl of Callander to be lieutenant general

The estates of parliament, presently convened by virtue of the last act of the last parliament held by his majesty and the three estates in 1641, taking into their consideration the many threats of invasion abroad and internal plots of malignants within for subversion of religion and disturbance of the peace of the kingdom, have thought it necessary that this kingdom be put in a present posture of defence and forces levied for defending the country and pursuing the enemies. And finding it necessary that all officers of war be established for the good of this service, and perfectly knowing the worth and abilities of James, earl of Callander to exercise and discharge the place or charge of lieutenant general of all the Scottish forces who are in service or shall serve in this common cause in Scotland or England, either horse or foot and either by sea or land, therefore the said estates, with consent of [Alexander Leslie, earl of Leven], lord general, have nominated and elected, likewise by this act, with consent aforesaid, elect, nominate and choose the said earl of Callander to be lieutenant general of all the said Scottish forces who are in service or shall serve in this common cause in Scotland or England, either horse or foot and either by sea or land; with power to him to exercise and discharge the said place with all the honours, privileges, dignities and other benefits whatsoever pertaining and belonging thereto in such ample form and manner as any other lieutenant general ought and should do. For better performance whereof, the said estates do hereby promise to cause all faithful and dutiful obedience and assistance be given to him in execution of his said charge in what he shall do or command, according to the articles of military discipline already set down by the estates with advice of the said lord general; and in case of any damage or loss to be sustained or incurred by the said earl in his goods or fortunes, either by accepting of this charge or in the execution of the same, the said estates are and shall be hereby obliged to refund the same to him and his successors after due examination and trial thereof, and this commission is to endure until the same be recalled by the parliament, convention of estates or either of their committees respectively.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.5v-6r.