Procedure: commission for regulating all processes
Commission for regulating of the processes of those cited to the parliament

The estates of parliament nominate and appoint the earls [John Kennedy, earl of] Cassilis, [John Drummond, earl of] Perth and [William Hamilton, earl of] Lanark for the nobility, the lairds [Sir William Cochrane of] Cowdoun, [Sir Alexander Belsches of] Tofts and [Mr Francis Hay of] Balhousie for the barons, Sir John Smith [of Grotehill], John Semple [of Stainflett] and Mr Alexander Douglas [of Downies] for the burghs (or any three of them, one of every estate, for a quorum) to be a committee for regulating all processes against those cited to the parliament, to whom or their quorum the estates grant power and commission to summon and examine witnesses by way of inquest before discussing the relevancy and to do what further can contribute for regulating of the said processes; and declare the depositions so to be taken shall be used as probation after the discussing of the relevancy, and appoint the first diet of their meeting to be tomorrow at 8 o'clock in the Great Parliament House, with power to this committee or their quorum to appoint their diets of meeting and thereafter to report to the parliament.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.3v.