Committee Members: committee for the north
Committee for the north

Forasmuch as the estates of this kingdom, considering the open and avowed rebellion of [George Gordon], marquis of Huntly, the lairds [Sir John Gordon of] Haddo, [Sir Alexander Irvine of] Drum, [George Gordon of] Gight and their accomplices against the peace and proceedings of this kirk and kingdom, have thought fit for suppressing of the same and securing the peace of the country that some forces be directed there; and finding it necessary that a committee be appointed to go along with these forces, to have the government of the affairs thereof and to give their best advice and assistance in what may contribute to the good and safety of the same, they do nominate and appoint the earls [James Stewart, earl of] Moray and Sinclair2, [Robert Arbuthnott], viscount of Arbuthnott and [James Crichton, viscount of] Frendraught, the lords [George Gordon, lord] Gordon, [Alexander Forbes, lord] Forbes, [Andrew Fraser, lord] Fraser, [John Carnegie, lord] Loure, the lairds [Patrick Maule of] Panmure, [Sir Robert Graham of] Morphie, [Rollock of] Duncrub, [Sir Alexander Erskine of] Dun, [Sir Robert Campbell of] Glenorchy, [Sir William Forbes of] Craigievar, [Patrick] Leslie [of Iden], [Arthur] Forbes [of Echt], [John] Grant [of Moyness], [Sir Robert Innes of] Innes, [John Barclay of] Johnston-Barclay, [Mr Robert Gordon of] Straloch, Sir James Scott of Rossie, Sir James Halkett [of Pitfirrane], Lieutenant Colonel Scott, Lieutenant Colonel Arnott, Lieutenant Colonel MacGill, Mr James Baird, Robert Burrell in Perth, Thomas Haliburton in Dundee, Mr William Moir of Aberdeen, John Auchterlony in Arbroath, Mr John Douglas [of Moriston] in Elgin, George Jamieson in Cupar and Andrew Gray of Montrose (besides all those who are members of the committee of estates and are hereby declared members of this committee as if their names were particularly inserted herein). With power to them, or any seven of the whole, to be a committee of the estates to go towards the north and to have the government of the affairs of the forces to be sent there, and to give their best advice and assistance in what may contribute to the good and safety of the same, and to make and set down such orders relating thereto as they shall think fit. As also to provide victual and other necessaries for the said forces, and for that effect to call before them all such persons as have shown themselves opposed or have not given obedience to the public orders of the kingdom, and to take such course for imposing of fines on them and uplifting the same and securing their persons as they shall think fit, without prejudice of any other course or further fines to be laid on them by the estates of parliament. As also to call before them all such persons as are able to lend or by their credit raise money for supply of the armies raised in this kingdom, and to ordain them to lend such sums as they shall think fit upon assurance of repayment from the public out of the arrears due to the armies in England and Ireland, out of the excise and out of the readiest of malignants' lands and rents according to the acts and practices of the convention of estates already in force in several places of the kingdom, and that they give their best assistance for the raising and gathering in of the loan and tax and excise in these bounds. As also with power to them to give orders for bringing out the forces of horse and foot appointed to be brought out of these northern shires and to see them punctually kept and done, and all other acts and ordinances of the estates or their committees put to due execution, and generally with power to them to do everything for suppressing the rebellion in the north, pursuing the actors there, those that assist them, those that harbour them and all other declared enemies to the kingdom, for securing the peace of these bounds in time coming, for providing of victual and monies for our armies and for doing every other thing they shall find contributes to the good of the service and advancement of the cause for which this kirk and kingdom are engaged as fully and freely as the convention of estates might do themselves, they being always accountable for their proceedings to the parliament, convention of estates and committee at Edinburgh; commanding hereby all officers, soldiers, committees of war and any other of his majesty's subjects, to burgh and land, of whatsoever degree and quality, to reverence, acknowledge and obey the said committee and their orders and to do nothing to hinder or prejudice thereof as they will be answerable. This committee is to endure until the return of the army from this expedition.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.144v-145r.
  2. There is no such title as earl of Sinclair. It may be an error for John Sinclair, lord Sinclair or it may refer to George Sinclair, earl of Caithness.