Act for assurance of some cannon2

Forasmuch as James Blair and James Brown, captains of the ships called [...], have presently borrowed from [Archibald Campbell], marquis of Argyll six piece of cannon, and from [Alexander Montgomery], earl of Eglinton two piece of cannon, for the better furnishing of their ships in the service for which they are employed by the estates for guarding of the west coast, and they have given bond to the said noblemen for the delivery thereof; and the estates finding it in no way reasonable that they should be liable for restitution thereof if the same be lost in the public service, therefore the estates declare that if any of the said cannon shall be lost in the public service as said is, that they will see satisfaction given therefore to the said noblemen, owners thereof, and the said captains relieved of their engagements and bonds given therefore.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.57v-58r.
  2. What appears to be a draft of this act can be found in NAS. PA6/8 at 19 July 1643.