Procedure: complaint against the earl of Carnwath
Remonstrance against [Robert Dalzell, earl of] Carnwath

The which day Sir Archibald Johnston of Wariston, in name and by warrant of the commissioners of shires, and Sir John Smith [of Grotehill], in name of the commissioners from burghs, declared that the barons and burgesses being informed that Robert, earl of Carnwath had, in presence of his majesty and some noblemen, traduced the proceedings of this kingdom, which are ratified and allowed by his majesty and estates of parliament, in so far as upon occasion of the commissioners directed to his majesty in January last pressing liberty to go to London, according to their instructions and safe conducts, the said earl of Carnwath, in opposition thereof and of the desires of this kingdom, proudly declared and said to his majesty in the hearing of some noblemen these or words to that effect, namely: 'Sir, it is a strange thing to see that they were not satisfied to come in against your majesty to ruin your majesty themselves, but they must come in likewise to assist the rebellion here;' that therefore the commissioners from shires and burghs had commanded them to represent the same to the estates as a business in which this kingdom is closely concerned, and that order might be given for trial and censure of the said earl accordingly. Whereupon the convention ordained macers to pass and charge the said earl of Carnwath to come and sight his person presently with all diligence before the convention as he will be answerable.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.41v-42r.