[Act against deprived messengers]

Act against deprived messengers

Our sovereign lord, being perfectly informed of the great prejudice heretofore sustained by his majesty's lieges and the discredit redounding to the lyon king of arms by the miscarriage of deprived messengers in default of real and full execution of the said lyon, his decreets and sentences against them, therefore his majesty, with advice and consent of his estates of this present parliament, decrees and ordains likewise letters of horning upon 15 days and other execution needful to be directed and pass upon his acts and decreets, sentences, bonds and obligation in all time coming against messengers upon deprivation, suspension or malversation in their offices as are directed and passed upon the sentences of other inferior judges within this kingdom, and upon their sentences, bonds and obligations.

12 November 1641

Read in audience of the barons.

Read, voted and passed, 12 November 1641

  1. NAS, PA7/2/116.