[Acts read and approved; acts read and remitted to each estate; acts read and continued]

The king being present.

Act for freeing of vicarages provided to ministers for their stipends of taxations read, voted and passed in parliament.

Act regarding non-covenanting patrons read, voted and passed in parliament.

Act regarding the escheats of papists upon horning after excommunication read and appointed the copies to be given to every estate to be advised until tomorrow.

Act regarding the discharging of monuments of idolatry read and continued to be advised until tomorrow.

Act discharging the gift of tobacco read and continued until tomorrow.

Act discharging private writings for staying justice read and continued until tomorrow.

[Diet for answering of supplications delayed; the bodies ordered to meet; act read and remitted to each estate]

The estates of parliament continue the meeting which was appointed this afternoon for the bills to tomorrow afternoon, at which time the whole estates are to meet for that effect. And for important reasons appoint every estate to meet by themselves this afternoon in the ordinary places.

Act for changing the terms read and appointed to be seen by every estate apart.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 28 1641', f.4(b) r.