The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 8 October 2024
Ratification in favour of [Alexander Montgomery], earl of Eglinton
Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament, having respect to the manifold good, true and thankful services done to his majesty and his highness's predecessors by his majesty's right trusty cousin Alexander, earl of Eglinton, lord Montgomery and Kilwinning and his predecessors, ratifies and approves and, for his highness and his successors, perpetually confirms a letter of tack and assedation set, made and granted by Master James Hannay, undoubted titular of the teind sheaves underwritten, to the said Alexander, earl of Eglinton, his heirs and assignees whatsoever, one or more, of all and sundry the parsonage and teind sheaves of all and whole the said Alexander, earl of Eglinton, his lands and heritages whatsoever pertaining to him in property lying within the parish of Kilmaurs, which is one of the kirks of the deanery of St Giles, now united and annexed thereto as a part of the patrimony thereof by our said sovereign lord in favour of the said Master James Hannay and his successor deans of St Giles, in all time coming, comprehending the lands, towns and rooms particularly after-mentioned, namely: the town and lands of Busbie, the lands of Woodhill, the lands of Over and Nether Greenhill, the town and lands of Windyedge, the room and lands of Muirhouse and Muirhouse Loan, the lands of Gatehead and Stockbridge, the lands of Raschillheed, the room and lands of [Nether] Craig, the lands of Hallbarns, Crosshouse, Annanhill Clerk, the town and lands of Knockentiber, and of all and sundry their parts, pendicles and pertinents, fruits, rents and emoluments of the same, parsonage and teind sheaves whatsoever, and that during all the days, times, years and space of the said Master James Hannay's lifetime, and after his decease during all the days, years and space of five years next and immediately thereafter following for payment of the yearly duty contained therein, which tack is of the date 26 September 1639, in the whole heads, articles, clauses, circumstances and conditions of the same set down therein. Likewise our said sovereign lord and estates foresaid of this present parliament will, grant, declare, statute and ordain that the said Alexander, earl of Eglinton, his heirs and assignees, shall peaceably and freely possess, hold and enjoy all and sundry the foresaid parsonage and teind sheaves of his own proper lands above-written lying within the said parish, fruits, rents and emoluments thereof, during the years and space above-written, after the form and tenor of the said tack in all points, without any stop, trouble or impediment and that this present general ratification of the same is and shall be of as great strength, force and effect to the said Alexander, earl of Eglinton and his foresaids in all respects and conditions as if the same tack were word for word and at length engrossed herein, dispensing therewith and with all other objections that may be made or moved in the contrary.
- NAS, PA2/22, f.344v-345r.