Ratification in favour of [Sir David Home], laird of Wedderburn

Our sovereign lord and estates of parliament ratify and approve tacks set by James [Home], earl of Home to Sir David Home of Wedderburn for three liferents and three nineteen years following his entry thereto, of all and sundry the teind sheaves of all and whole the lands of Kello and Kello Bastle, Reedy Loch and Kimmerghame, with the pertinents, lying within the parish of Edrom and sheriffdom of Berwick, dated tack 1621, [...] tack of the towns of the barony of Flemington set by Alexander [Home], earl of Home to George [Home], earl of Dunbar and his heirs for their liferents and [...] nineteen years conveyed by him in favour of Sir George Home of Manderston and by the said Sir George in favour of the said Sir David Home of Wedderburn, which tack bears date 1600.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.308v.