The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 26 January 2025
Ratification to [Patrick Murray], earl of Tullibardine
Our sovereign lord and estates of parliament by this legislation ratify, confirm and approve the charter and infeftment granted by his majesty, under his highness's great seal of the kingdom of Scotland, to and in favour of his majesty's right trusty cousin and councillor Patrick, earl of Tullibardine, lord Murray of Gask and Balquhidder, and to his male heirs and assignees whatsoever, of all and sundry the lands and others after-mentioned, namely: of all and whole the lands and barony of Logie, called Logiealmond, with free regality thereof, privileges and immunities of the same, with tower, fortalice, manor place, yards, orchards, mills, woods, fishings, parts, pendicles, annexes, connexes, outsets, tenants, tenancies, service of free tenants thereof and all their pertinents, lying within the sheriffdom of Perth; of all and whole the lands of Pitlandie, the town and lands of Drumfin and pendicle thereof, called Lassillis, six merk land of the town and lands of Castleton which originally were set in feu ferm to the late William Murray, son and for the time apparent heir to the late William Murray of Tullibardine, knight, with the pendicle thereof called Gowanehill, and with the wood, ward and acres of land at Castleton pertaining thereto; all and whole the two merk land of the town and lands of Castleton sometime pertaining to Oliver Murray in Castleton, the lands of Tofts of Drumfin, the lands of Kersheed with the meadows thereof and mill of the same, now commonly called the West Mill of Gorthie, with the mill lands and multures thereof, as well dry as other multures, which of old were paid to the millers thereof in time bygone, and specially the multures of the lands of Lacoke, Kerseheed, Mylnetoune and Gorthie, Pitmannie and pertinents thereof, with the pendicles of the said lands of Kersehead commonly called the Merchrige, Coulekerse and other carses thereof, the lands of Mylnetoune, the lands of Trewin2, the lands and forests of Corrymuckloch and Glenshervie, the lands called the Kyle of Glenalmond, lying upon either of the sides of the water of Almond, bounded between the said water and the height of the mountain and inflow of the said water as wind and weather shears3 on either side of the said water in breadth, and lying between the said lands of Corrymuckloch on the east and the lands of Strouellie and Tumpines thereof on the west in length, to the north of the said water of Almond, and between the crag called Crigagyre on the east and the corrie called Corriehervie on the west, on the south side of the said water in length; together with all and sundry other corries, glens, woods, fishings, shiels4 and pasturage whatsoever, lying within the bounds above-written, together also with the privilege of free forest within the whole bounds of the said lands of Corrymuckloch, Glenshervie and lands called the lands of Kyle of Glenalmond, bounded as said is, and with the right, jurisdiction and privilege of holding of courts of free forest, with other privileges and liberties of a free forest within the said bounds, with all and sundry castles, towers, fortalices, manor places, houses, buildings, yards, orchards, dovecots, mills, multures, woods, lochs, fishing of salmon and other fishings, meadows, tenants, tenancies, service of free tenants, annexes, connexes, dependencies, parts, pendicles and pertinents whatsoever of the lands and others above-written, all lying within the stewartry of Strathearn and sheriffdom of Perth; the lands called Wardinscrofte, Abbotscrofte and Calseyend, with houses, buildings, yards, orchards, parts, pendicles and pertinents, lying within the barony of Cardny5 and sheriffdom foresaid; the lands of Fornoch, the lands of Stokland and Croftstrandie extending to four acres and half an acre of land or thereby, with houses, buildings, yards, parts, pendicles, lying within the stewartry and sheriffdom foresaid, with ten merk land of Pitvare, Solliegarth and five pound land of the west part of Finnache, with the pertinents, lying within the said sheriffdom; all and whole the lands of Moulaig6, with all and sundry parts, pendicles and pertinents thereof, lying in the barony of Sthraernid7; and also all and whole the lands of Fandowie with the manor place of the same and pendicles thereof, called Auchingoure and Auldmade, with yards, orchards, mills, woods, fishings, tenements, tenancies, service of free tenants thereof, parts, pendicles and pertinents of the same, lying within the said sheriffdom of Perth, as the said charter of the date 17 December 1638 at more length purports, in all and sundry the heads, articles, clauses, conditions and circumstances specified and contained therein, together with the precept of sasine and instrument of sasine following thereupon, whole heads and clauses thereof, saving and reserving to our said sovereign lord and his majesty's successors the duties, rights and services due and owing to his majesty and his majesty's predecessors for the lands and others above-expressed before this present confirmation. Moreover, our said sovereign lord, with consent foresaid, wills and grants and, for his majesty and his highness's successors, decrees and ordains that this present confirmation is and shall be as valid and sufficient to the said Patrick, earl of Tullibardine and his foresaids as if the said charter, precept and sasine following thereupon were all word by word and at length inserted and engrossed herein, and as if the same had been made and granted to them before the taking of sasine of the lands and others above-expressed, notwithstanding if the sasine, if any be, already taken of the same; concerning which, and with all other defects and imperfections which in any way may be proposed or alleged against the said charter or this present confirmation thereof, his majesty, with consent foresaid, has dispensed and by this ratification dispenses for ever.
- NAS, PA2/22, f.305v-306r.
- 'Frewin' in APS.
- Defined in DSL as to divide, part, go in different directions. Only in the phrase 'as wind and weather shears', common in deeds or the like, referring to the crest of a ridge separating two pieces of lower grounds, and regarded as a boundary between them.
- Defined in DSL as a temporary or roughly-made house or shed, a hut, bothy; a shelter used by salmon-fishermen.
- 'Carndy' in APS.
- 'Mouling' in APS.
- 'Sthraerine' in APS. APS also suggests 'Strathuird' in square brackets.