Ratification in favour of the parishioners of Markinch

Our sovereign lord and estates of parliament ratify and approve the decreet of valuation and locality contained therein of the teinds of the said parish of Markinch and ministers' stipend of the said kirk, given by the commissioners appointed by his majesty and estates of parliament for the surrenders and teinds at the instance of his majesty's advocate, for his highness's interest, and of Doctor Andrew Lamont, then minister at the said kirk of Markinch, against the heritors contained therein of the said parish, of the date 1 March 1637, by the which decreet the said lords commissioners, in recompense to the said heritors of the lands and tacksmen of the teinds of the parish of Markinch of that eight chalders of victual yearly imposed upon them to be paid to the minister of the said kirk of Markinch and his successors out of the teinds thereof more than they were due to pay forth thereof of before by their tacks thereof standing in manner mentioned in the said decreet, have added and extended to their former tacks of their teinds of the said parish (whereof there is yet to run the liferent of William [Ramsay], earl of Dalhousie, and nineteen years thereafter) the number of ten years more after the expiring of the said tacks yet to run, in manner and for the reasons and causes at length specified in the said decreet, as the same of the date foresaid at more length bears, in all and sundry the heads and points thereof, in so far as the said decreet concerns and may be extended to the said heritors of the lands of the said parish and tacksmen of the teinds thereof, their right and possessing of the said teinds of the said parish during the said space of ten years next after the said expiring of the said ten years after the said expiring of their said present tacks thereof, standing in manner and according to the said decreet. And will and grant, decree and ordain that the said decreet is and shall be a good, valid and sufficient right to the said heritors and tacksmen of the said parish of Markinch and their successors for possessing of their said teinds of the said parish during the said space of ten years after the said expiring of their said present tacks thereof, according to the said decreet, addition and act contained therein in all points, without question, objection or contradiction.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.302v-303r.