Ratification in favour of John Innes of Leuchars

Our sovereign lord and estates of parliament ratify and approve the signature and gift and disposition contained therein, superscribed by his majesty, to and in favour of John Innes of Leuchars, his male heirs and assignees of the bailiary of the lordship and regality of Spynie and constabulary of the castle thereof, and keeping of the wood and loch of the same with the accustomed fees and £300 Scots more for upholding of the said castle, to be held of the king's majesty and his successors for payment of the blench duties contained in the said signature in manner specified therein, which is dated at Holyroodhouse, 1 October last, with the charter, precept and instrument of sasine to follow thereupon, in all and sundry heads, articles, clauses, and circumstances thereof. And will and grant, and for his majesty and his successors, with consent of the estates of parliament, decree and ordain that the foresaid ratification and confirmation is and shall be of as great value, force, strength and effect to the said John Innes, his male heirs and assignees as if the foresaid signature were word by word expressed herein; and also as if the charter, precept and instrument of sasine to follow thereupon were also expressed herein; concerning which, and with all that may follow thereupon, his majesty and estates of parliament have dispensed and by this ratification dispense for ever.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.301r-301v.