The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 25 January 2025
Ratification in favour of the town of Edinburgh
Our sovereign lord, with advice and consent of the estates of this present parliament, by this legislation, ratifies and approves the signature, donation and mortification mentioned therein, subscribed by his majesty's hand, given and granted by his highness to and in favour of the provost, bailies, council and community of the burgh of Edinburgh and their successors for the help of their college of certain feu mails, feu ferms, teinds, quots of testaments and others particularly mentioned and contained in the foresaid signature, gift and mortification above-specified, together with the advocation, donation and right of patronage of the kirks of Holyroodhouse and North Leith, which, with the said feu mails, feu ferms, teinds, quots of testaments and others specified and contained in the foresaid gift and mortification, pertained to the late bishopric of Edinburgh, by the which gift, donation and mortification above-written his majesty has dissolved the foresaid feu mails, feu ferms, quots of testaments and others generally and particularly contained therein from the crown and bishopric of Edinburgh foresaid, and has mortified the same to the said provost, bailies, council and community of the said burgh of Edinburgh in manner and for the effect contained in the said signature, as the same of the date at his majesty's palace of Holyroodhouse, 30 September 1641 more fully purports and bears, together with the charter to be completed and passed upon the said signature under the great seal, with the precept of sasine and instrument of sasine to follow thereupon, in all and sundry points, articles and clauses contained in the foresaid signature, and to be contained in the charter and infeftment to be passed and completed thereupon; and declares this present ratification thereof to be as sufficient in all respects as if the same were at length and word by word inserted and engrossed herein, dispensing by this ratification with the not inserting thereof. And further, his majesty and estates of parliament have dissolved and by this ratification dissolve all and sundry the foresaid feu ferms, other ferms, teinds, teind duties, patronages and others mentioned in the said signature, gift and mortification above-written from his highness's crown and patrimony thereof, and from the said bishopric of Edinburgh and from all other benefices whatsoever, to which the same were annexed or pertained of before, and suppress and extinguish the name and memory of the said bishopric of Edinburgh in all time coming to the effect the said feu ferms, other ferms, teinds, teind duties, patronages and others above-mentioned contained in the said signature may remain with the said provost, bailies, council and community of the said burgh of Edinburgh and their successors to the uses respectively specified in the same signature perpetually in all time hereafter. And also our said sovereign lord and estates of parliament declare, statute and ordain that the foresaid signature, with the charter, infeftment and sasine to be completed thereupon, with this present ratification thereof, shall be sufficient and valid rights and securities to the said provost, bailies, council and community of the said burgh of Edinburgh and their successors for possessing and enjoying of the feu ferms, other ferms, teinds, teind duties, patronages and others mentioned therein to the uses respectively above-specified perpetually in all time coming. And our sovereign lord and estates of parliament declare that this present ratification shall in no way derogate to the strength, validity and force of that act of this present parliament, whereby the quots of all testaments are discharged as the act made relating thereto purports, to which this ratification shall in no way be prejudicial.
- NAS, PA2/22, f.300r-300v.