The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 25 January 2025
Ratification to [John Forbes], laird of Leslie
Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament ordain an act to be made therein in favour of his highness's beloved John Forbes of Leslie, ratifying and approving, likewise by this ratification our said sovereign lord and estates foresaid ratify and approve the decreet obtained at the instance of the said John Forbes of Leslie upon 13 May 1641 before the lords and others of the committee of estates of parliament against John Gordon of Haddo, making mention that where the said John Forbes, having supplicated the said committee of estates for redress of certain wrongs and injuries done and committed against him and William Forbes, his son, by the said John Gordon, and namely for suppressing of his person and taking him captive to Strathbogie, and when the said William Forbes did repair thither for his said father's liberation after assurance of indemnity granted to him, the said John Gordon of Haddo enforced the said William to give bond to him for payment of 1,000 merks within eight days thereafter, which was accordingly paid, likewise the said John Gordon of Haddo then snatched the said William's horse, worth forty pieces, and took another nag from his man worth £100, and then robbed them of all their arms, swords, carabines and pistols, estimated to be worth 300 merks, and thereafter the said John, by himself and his accomplices, spuilzied the said John Forbes's house of Banchory, took away his whole insight and plenishing thereof, and broke the whole doors and locks of the same, and thereafter passing to [Andrew Fraser], lord Fraser's house of Durris (then lent by the said Lord Fraser to the said John Forbes of Leslie) they broke up the gates thereof and took all that he had transported thither from his other dwelling house of Banchory, with the said Lord Fraser's whole goods that were there, the damage so done to the said two houses being estimated to the sum of £1,000 money; and therefore determining and ordaining the said John Gordon of Haddo to refund and deliver back again to the said John Forbes the horse, armour, plenishing, sum of money and others above-mentioned violently and masterfully seized, intromitted with and taken away from the said John Forbes and his said son in manner above-written, or else to content and pay to him the value, worth, prices and estimation of the said horses, armour, insight, plenishing and other sums above-mentioned, extending to the particular sums of money above-written for the reason and cause contained in the said decreet, as the same of the date foresaid at more length bears. Together with all letters of horning, poinding, inhibition, denunciation, apprising and others raised and used or to be raised and used thereupon, and all comprisings led and deduced or to be led and deduced thereupon, infeftments and others following or to follow upon the same, and all that has followed or may follow upon the said decreet in all and sundry the heads, points, clauses, articles, circumstances and conditions contained therein, and after the forms and tenors thereof in all points, and will, grant, declare, decree and ordain that the said decreet and all execution that has followed or may follow thereupon shall stand valid and sufficient until the said John Forbes of Leslie, his heirs and assignees be duly, fully and completely paid of the sums of money above-written, contained in the said decreet according thereto in all points, notwithstanding of whatsoever act of pacification, oblivion or other act or constitution made or to be made in the contrary in respect the said wrongs and injuries were done and committed by the said John Gordon of Haddo against the said John Forbes of Leslie and his son, not as by anti-covenanters against covenanters, but long after the said John Gordon had come in and subscribed and sworn to the covenant, declaring therefore and ordaining that no such act of pacification, oblivion or other act or constitution made or to be made in this present parliament is nor shall in any way be extended to the said decreet above ratified and sums contained therein, nor any execution that has followed or may follow thereupon, but that the same is hereby and shall be always and utterly excepted and reserved out of and from the said act of pacification, oblivion or any other act or constitution made or to be made in the contrary in the same way and as freely as if the same were expressly excepted and reserved out of and from the act thereof. Likewise our said sovereign lord and estates foresaid of this present parliament ordain the said decreet, sums of money contained therein and execution thereof to be expressly excepted and reserved out of and from the said act of pacification and oblivion, and inserted and contained therein for that effect
- NAS, PA2/22, f.288r-288v.