The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 26 January 2025
Ratification to [Alexander Erskine], laird of Dun of two tacks
Our sovereign lord and estates of parliament ratify, approve and perpetually confirm a tack made by way of contract at Holyroodhouse and Canongate, 15 and 16 March 1627, between his majesty's treasurers principal and depute and other lords of exchequer for the time on the one part, and Alexander Erskine of Dun on the other part, whereby they set in tack and assedation to the said Alexander Erskine of Dun and to his assignees and sub-tacksmen of no higher degree than himself, all the customs due to his majesty of all goods, gear and merchandise exported out of the kingdom or imported within the same at the port and burgh of Montrose or other ports, harbours or creeks along the coast from the north water of Esk inclusive to the south water of Esk inclusive (except only of certain merchant goods contained in the said tack as the same is except therein), and that for all the days, years and terms of the said Alexander Erskine of Dun's lifetime, for payment of 1,200 merks by year of tack duty in manner specified in the said tack, which is registered in the books of exchequer 16 March 1627. And also another tack made by way of contract between the king's majesty, with consent of his treasurers principal and depute and other commissioners of exchequer on the one part, and the said Alexander Erskine of Dun on the other part, relative to the foresaid contract, by virtue whereof his majesty, with consent foresaid, set of new in tack and assedation to the said Alexander Erskine of Dun and to his assignees and sub-tacksmen of no higher degree than himself all his majesty's customs foresaid due to be paid to his majesty of all goods, gear and merchandise exported out of this kingdom or imported within the same at the said port and burgh of Montrose and all other ports, harbours and creeks along the coast from the north water of Esk inclusive to the south water of Esk inclusive (except only of certain merchant goods contained in the said contract as the same is excepted therein), and that for the space of five years and from five years to five years during the lifetime of the said Alexander Erskine of Dun for payment of the foresaid 1,200 merks yearly of tack duty at two terms in the year, and making an account and payment of his majesty's bullion pertaining to the proportion of the goods exported in manner specified in the said contract, which is dated at Holyroodhouse, 10 November instant, in all and sundry heads, points, articles, clauses and circumstances of the said tacks and contracts respectively. And will and grant that the foresaid tacks made by way of contracts shall be a sufficient right to the said Alexander Erskine of Dun and his foresaids for possessing of the foresaid customs during the time and space mentioned therein, and also will and grant and, for his majesty and his successors, with consent of the estates of parliament, decree and ordain that this present confirmation is and shall be of as great value, force, strength and effect to the said Alexander Erskine of Dun and his foresaids as if the foresaid tacks made by way of contracts were word by word expressed herein; concerning which, and with all that may follow thereupon, his majesty and estates of parliament have dispensed and by this ratification dispense for ever.
- NAS, PA2/22, f.287r-287v.