Ratification in favour of the town of Dunkeld

Our sovereign lord, understanding how careful his majesty's late dearest father, King James VI of worthy memory, and his most noble progenitors have been in appointing particular fairs and market days to be held within certain places and towns within this realm of Scotland, most necessary to the common welfare thereof and inhabitants of the same, and to which he, considering how necessary it was to have particular fairs and market days to be appointed and set yearly in the town of Dunkeld within the sheriffdom of Perth for buying and selling of cattle, horse, sheep and other bestial and goods accustomed to be sold in the said bounds, to the great profit and commodity to the inhabitants within the same and others resorting thereto for buying and selling, who must be maintained in the said city upon their own expenses, which lies in such a commodious part near to the Highlands from where the bestial and goods are and were in use and custom to come to be sold, for which his majesty's said late dearest father, with advice and consent of the three estates of this kingdom of Scotland, in a parliament held at Perth, 11 June 1606, ratified, approved and confirmed, and also of new gave, granted and conveyed to Peter [Rollock], then bishop of Dunkeld and to the citizens of Dunkeld, the privileges and liberties granted of old to the bishops of Dunkeld and citizens of the said city by him and his noble progenitors of their whole fairs and weekly markets usually held within the said city and freedom thereof, with the whole jurisdictions, freedoms, tolls and customs of the same. And also his majesty's said late dearest father and estates foresaid, being informed how necessary it was to have a market and fair to stand in and about the said city of Dunkeld at Martinmas [11 November] yearly, being a proper time of the selling of goods to the sustentation of the lieges, where a great multitude of the Highlanders would resort rather than to another part, therefore, his highness's said late dearest father and three estates foresaid, by virtue of the said act of parliament, of new gave and granted full liberty to the said bishop of Dunkeld and citizens of the said city of Dunkeld to hold a market and public fair within and about the said city and freedom thereof, to begin yearly upon Monday after Martinmas day and thereafter to continue for the space of eight days, with the whole jurisdictions, freedoms, toll and customs of the same so that the whole lieges and subjects in those bounds might resort thereto for buying and selling, as the said act of parliament at more length purports. And our said sovereign lord, being also of the like goodwill, and also considering how necessary it is to have the particular fairs and market day foresaid kept and fixed in and about the said city of Dunkeld at the times above-specified, therefore his majesty, with advice and consent of his three estates of this parliament, ratifies, approves and confirms the foresaid act of parliament made by his highness's late dearest father of worthy memory and three estates of the said kingdom of Scotland, held at Perth the said 11 June 1606 relating thereto, with the letters of publication raised thereupon of the date at Edinburgh, 30 June 1607, and executions thereof, and also of new again gives, grants and conveys to the said citizens of Dunkeld the privileges and liberties granted of old to the bishops of Dunkeld and citizens of the same city by his majesty's most noble progenitors of their whole fairs and weekly markets usually held within the said city and freedom thereof, with the whole jurisdictions, freedoms, toll and customs of the same, and specially, without prejudice of the generality foresaid, the privilege and liberty to hold the foresaid market and public fair within and about the said city and freedom of Dunkeld, to begin yearly upon the said Monday after Martinmas day and thereafter to continue for the said space of eight days, with the whole jurisdictions, freedoms, toll and customs of the same, so that his majesty's lieges and subjects in these bounds may resort thereto for buying and selling as said is. And also our said sovereign lord, with advice and consent foresaid, ratifies, approves and confirms a charter given and granted by the late Peter, sometime bishop of Dunkeld, with advice and consent of the dean and chapter thereof, to and in favour of the said city of Dunkeld, citizens and indwellers thereof and their successors, for the help and support of their common good, all and whole the lands of Aikinebanke back and fore in so far as oak and birch was wont to grow, with the pertinents, lying in the lordship of Dunkeld and within the sheriffdom of Perth, between the lands of Hallotone2 of Tullimille, the barns upon the west, the lands of Auchnagoule and Birkerburne upon the north and the lands of Tullimill upon the south, to be held of them and their successors in feu ferm and heritage forever, paying thereof yearly to them and their successors 13s 4d money usual of Scotland at two terms in the year, Whitsunday [May/June] and Martinmas in winter, by equal portions, and also faithful homage with service used and wont, which charter contains a precept of sasine, and also makes mention in the narrative thereof that the said lands were held of before by the said city, citizens and town of Dunkeld of his highness's said late dearest father by virtue of the act of annexation of kirk lands to the crown in the parliament held at Edinburgh, 29 July 1587, for payment of the feu duty above-written, and thereafter in the parliament held at Perth, [...] July 1606, that the said act of annexation was rescinded and all infeftments, charters and sasines granted by his majesty's said late dearest father to any person in feu or otherwise of kirk lands were ordained to be held of bishops and other kirkmen as they were held before the said act of annexation, the said charter is dated 23 December 1606, together with the instrument of sasine following thereupon, in all and sundry points, heads, articles, clauses, conditions and circumstances whatsoever contained therein, after the forms and tenors, with all that has followed or may follow thereupon, and ordains this present general ratification thereof to be as valid, effectual and sufficient in all respects as if the same were inserted at length herein, concerning which our said sovereign lord, with advice foresaid dispenses for ever.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.277r-278v.
  2. APS suggests 'Haltowne' in square brackets.