Ratification to John Semple [of Stainflett]

Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament ratify, approve and perpetually confirm a feu charter and infeftment granted by the bailies, council and community of the burgh of Dumbarton in favour of the late John Robertson, burgess of the said burgh, of the date at Dumbarton, the [...] day of May, 15[...], of and concerning the corn mill in town end, multures and sequels etc, together with a contract and appointment made and subscribed between the bailies, with consent of the council and community of the said burgh on the one part, and John Semple, then styled of Corinth, now of Stainflett, provost of the said burgh, on the other part, of the date at Dumbarton, 27 August 1605, registered in the books of council and session upon 28 July 1613, with the charter and sasine following thereupon, whereby the said bailies, with consent foresaid, did ratify and approve the foresaid feu charter and infeftment of the said mill in town end, multures and sequels, mill lands, mill dam, inlair2, watergang3 etc., but also of new sold and conveyed the said corn mill, multures, sequels, mill lands, mill dam in favour of the said John Semple, lineal heir and lawful successor of the said late John Robertson, his great-grandfather, in all the heads and articles and clauses thereof, with the infeftment following thereupon, dispensing with the generality hereof, and ordain this ratification to be as valid, effectual and sufficient to the said John Semple, his heirs and assignees as if the foresaid feu charters, contract, infeftments and sasines following thereupon were herein set down and engrossed word for word. And further our said sovereign lord and estates foresaid statute and ordain that the said feu charter, with the said contract, infeftments and sasine following thereupon, are and shall be a good, valid and sufficient right to the said John Semple, his heirs and assignees and successors for holding and possessing of the said mill, multures, sequels and others contained in the said securities according to the tenors thereof in all points.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.266v.
  2. Defined in DSL as that part of a mill-dam which formed the channel of the mill-race.
  3. Defined in DSL as a channel leading water to a mill; a mill stream.